The Different Types of Dog Walks

The Different Types of Dog Walks

It may sound strange, but not all dog walks need to be centered around exclusively exercising. Incorporating mentally stimulating walks is just as important as physically stimulating ones. If you’re able to walk Fido twice a day, try to make one a mentally focused one while the other is physically focused. However, before we dive into the difference, let’s break down what good walking behavior is in general.

Good Walking Behavior

You never want your pooch to be pulling you all over the path or road. If your canine is doing this, you’ll want to practice loose-leash walking. This allows your pup more freedom to explore and sniff all of their surroundings while still keeping them safe on a leash. This will give your furry friend more comfort during your walks, instead of constantly being pulled or jerked back by their leash. You can also try walking with a harness, which will provide your pooch with much more comfort, even if you have to pull the leash back. Loose-leash walking can help you and your four-legged friend start walking more as a team and less as a struggle.

Mentally Stimulating Walks

Mentally stimulating walks tend to be much slower and aren’t focused on tiring out your pup. These walks are meant to give your furry friend time to stop and smell all of their surroundings. Your canine’s sniffer is incredible, and allowing them ample time to use it can provide them with an abundance of mental stimulation. Since their brain will be devoted to detecting, analyzing, and interpreting different smells on your walk, they’ll be mentally exhausted afterward.

Physically Stimulating Walks

Physically stimulating walks are probably what you usually think of when you’re walking Fido. These walks are more focused on strengthening and tiring out the muscles in their body. The point of these walks is to keep moving and spend a minimal amount of time sniffing and marking. This walk doesn’t necessarily need to be a faster pace, just as long as it’s a consistent one.

Sometimes it can be hard to find the time to walk your pooch twice a day. If this sounds like you, then just rotate between physically and mentally stimulating walks on alternating days. Or, if you can, try adding in a second walk on the weekends. You and your pup will notice and appreciate the difference.