Puppy Teething Toy Tips

Puppy Teething Toy Tips

Teething puppies endure the same pain and discomfort as teething babies, only they’re even worse at communicating it! You’ll want plenty of toys on deck to give your teething puppy when they’re in pain. As it turns out, not all chew toys are created equally, so choose your pup’s toys wisely when they’re teething. Plus, by providing your dog some toys to gnaw on, hopefully they’ll stay away from your shoes and furniture and only chew what they’re supposed to. Check out our list of the best teething toys!

Hard Rubber Toys

Hard rubber toys are ideal for teething pups because they’re extremely difficult to destroy, especially for a little one! Fillable toys like Kongs are especially ideal. Freezing water inside the toy will soothe your pup’s poor sore gums! Plus, the toy provides some mental stimulation to enhance brain development in your pooch’s growth period.

Rope Toys

Rope toys can come in many shapes, sizes, and qualities, so it’s important to pick a good one. Puppies can gnaw off and choke on small pieces of rope if it’s too flimsy, so get a thick piece. Once your pup gets a little older, you can use the rope for tug-of-war, but when they’re teething, you should avoid playing the game. Otherwise, their teeth could grow in crooked! To soothe sore gums, soak the rope in some cold water and put it in the freezer so it melts when they chew it. Easy!

Treat Toys

Like Kongs, treat toys are good for chewing and for mental stimulation. Toys are made of durable rubber that will last for a long time without much wear and tear. Combining mind-sharpening games with pain reduction is a great way to help your pup manage the discomfort associated with teething! Treat toys are a no-brainer for parents of teething dogs.

Teething Toys to Avoid

Anything with small, sharp metal parts should be avoided when possible. You should also never give your pup long strips or fibers, such as strings or ribbons. These can be dangerous if swallowed. Try to avoid cooked bones, which can break into small pieces and damage the digestive tract. Lastly, keep sheets of plastic film, such as plastic grocery bags, away from your dog. These can cause choking!

We never want our furry babies to be in pain. You may feel helpless in stopping your teething pup’s discomfort, but rest assured – these toys can get rid of teething  pain and make teeth healthier in the long-run!