Winter Dog Care Tips

Winter Dog Care Tips

Cold weather, snow, and ice can make winters pretty brutal for your dog! Just like us, dogs can be negatively affected by cold winters. Here are a few tips to keep your dog happy and healthy despite nasty winter weather!

Keep Their Paws Safe

Dog paws are extremely sensitive to deicing substances like salt and sand and can become tender after walking on cold surfaces for extended periods of time. You should consider getting dog booties for your furry friend to keep their paws warm and safe! Plus, they’ll really spice up your dog’s style! If you decide not to get booties for your dog, you should take extra care to wash their feet each time they are outside to avoid the harmful chemicals on the streets.

Beware of Thin Ice

Your dog may think playing on the ice is fun, but our four-legged friends can’t keep their footing as well as one may think! Falling on ice could lead to muscle strains or other injuries that you and your dog would rather not deal with. Additionally, with frozen ice comes the possibility of cracked ice, and you don’t want to have to rescue your canine from icy ponds or lakes. Keep an eye on them near icy surfaces and avoid them if possible!

Stay Inside if the Weather Gets Too Cold

Although dogs are covered in thick coats of fur, they can easily get too cold outside if out for too long. Keep an eye on the thermometer before letting them out to relieve themselves or play, and don’t let them stay out for too long! Just like us, dogs can suffer from frostbite. Plus, spending some extra time snuggled up on the couch with your pup doesn’t sound too bad to us!

Hopefully these tips help you and your dog make the best of cold weather this winter! Always be safe and stay warm!