Staying Safe with Your Dog on St. Paddy’s Day

Before celebrating St. Paddy’s day, there are a few hazards you should be aware of as a pet parent. So, read below to learn how to keep your companion safe during the festivities!

No Salty & Fatty Foods

While you may indulge in corned beef during your St. Paddy’s day celebration, it should be kept away from Fido. Corned beef is very high in sodium. Ingesting too much salty food can cause sodium poisoning in your pup. This can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, excessive thirst, excessive urination, kidney damage, seizures, coma, or even death. So, play it safe and keep your furry friend away from salty snacks.

Additionally, corned beef is high in fat as well. Fatty foods can cause an overgrowth of bacteria in your pup’s digestive system. This leads to diarrhea and vomiting. However, consuming fatty foods frequently can cause pancreatitis in your pet, which often requires hospitalization, medication, and a strict diet.

No Garlic & Onion

Garlic and onion are surprisingly dangerous foods that should be kept away from your pets because they can be poisonous to them. If your pal eats enough, it can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, elevated heart rate, and an elevated respiratory rate. So, while you may love some extra garlic and onions with your corned beef, don’t give your companion the same meal.

No Soda Bread & Dough

Soda bread is another St. Paddy’s classic treat. However, keep the bread and dough away from your furry friend. When your pal eats dough it expands in their stomach and can cause bloating or even GDV. Additionally, baked soda bread often has raisins or currants which are poisonous to dogs. If your pal eats them it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dehydration, and sometimes acute renal failure. So, you may want to consider having your companion take a break from being your sous chef during your St. Paddy’s day cooking.

No Alcohol

If you plan on having open alcohol at your festivities, keep fido in a separate room. Your companion is at risk of alcohol poisoning if they get into your whiskey, beer, or other beverages. This can cause excessive drooling, vomiting, gagging, loss of coordination, distended stomach, seizures, and slow reflexes. Not only is alcohol dangerous for your furry friend, but so are party guests after a few drinks. Though they have good intentions, their clumsiness can cause accidental harm. So, keep your four-legged friend in another room or leave them at home with their favorite toys if you plan to celebrate elsewhere.

Follow the tips above to ensure everyone has a fun and safe St. Paddy’s day!