How Much Water Does My Dog Need?

How Much Water Does My Dog Need?

Many owners leave out a bowl of water for their pup and assume they’ll take what they need. Yet some dog’s aren’t like this. In fact, some four-legged friends don’t drink enough water no matter how much you leave out, and some drink far too much. To help decipher what a healthy amount of hydration is for your dog we’ve gathered a few helpful tips.

Signs of Dehydration & Over-hydration in Dogs

When thinking about how much water your furry companion should be drinking to stay healthy we can’t just think about dehydration but must also consider the possibility of OVER-hydration. If you want to decipher whether or not your pup is dehydrated, grab a piece of skin from the back of their neck. When releasing your pulling grip notice how the skin goes back into place, if your dog’s skin almost instantly goes back into place, this is a good sign that they are properly hydrated. If their skin slowly returns into position and almost leaves a tent-like shape of where you pulled then this is an indication your dog is dehydrated. You can also check on their gums to get an idea of their hydration level. A wet and slippery mouth is a good sign, but dull and sticky gums are should be a warning that your pup is low on their need for water.

Now, on the other hand, over-hydrated dogs will most often throw up due to the excessive amount of water in their system. You four-legged friend may also act confused and become lethargic.

If your dog isn’t drinking enough water

If you’ve discovered you canine just isn’t getting enough water there are a few plans of action you can take to encourage different behavior. Anytime you notice your pup is getting a drink of water praise and reward them for it, showing them that this is a positive act. Another tactic is to keep multiple bowls of water around places your pup frequents often. Put a bowl near their bed, food, the back door, and anywhere else you’ve noticed your dog is usually residing in. You can discover flavor packets for dogs to make water more appetizing. These packets can make a regular bowl of water taste like chicken, bacon, beef, and so much more that’ll make drinking more savory.

If your dog is drinking too much water

If you have a pooch who drinks so much water it’s terrible for their health we also have some strategic ideas to help fix the problem. There are bowls known as “lick bottles” that are often used on horses and limit the amount of water your pup can consume in one sitting. This also allows you to monitor their water intake easily. Another method is rationing your dog’s water throughout the day, so you know exactly how much they’re receiving. You can also do this electronically with an automatic feeder that opens and closes on command and through programming. Just instead of food, you’ll be using water.

Ensure your canine has clean water

One last important thing to consider is if your furry friend’s water is clean. Cleaning up after your pup and making sure their bowl is disinfected regularly will help prevent bacterias that can make your dog sick.

Proper hydration is crucial to having a happy and healthy pup, and that creates an owners life that much easier.

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