How To Pick The Right Eye Drops

How To Pick The Right Eye Drops

Figuring out the right eye drops for your four-legged friend can be difficult since their eyes differ so much from our own. As bizarre as it may sound, they actually have a third eye lid to provide extra protection. Although they have this extra layer of defense, issues can still arise and eye drops may be needed. Since the decision of how and when eye drops should be used can be quite puzzling at times, here are some tips to help guide you through the process.

Why Eye Drops are Important

Since your dog can’t speak up when they’re experiencing trouble, it’s important to keep an eye out for their sight health! Eye problems in canines are surprisingly much more common than you’d think. They can be caused by as little as hair around their face getting into their eyes. This can lead to irritation and potentially infections. That’s where eye drops come in! They can clean the eye as well as provide much needed medication to relieve your pups of any pain.

Different Types of Eye Drops for Dogs

Ingredients of eye drops can vary to provide your dog with exactly what they need. A pretty common issue your furry friend may face is having dry eyes. Luckily, dry eyes in dogs is more irritating than painful but can still lead to significant injury if not treated.

The other common issue is eye infections. This can be treated by over-the-counter antibacterial eye drops which should clear it all up! Steroid eye drops can also be used to treat inflammation. They are also a great way to protect against loss of vision. Keep in mind if your dog has been prescribed antibiotics, it’s important to follow your veterinarian’s instructions.

Why Your Dog May Need Eye Drops

Several reasons can play a role in why your pup may need eye drops. Allergies is one of the most common because factors like pollen can be difficult to control. A more severe cause for eye drops is pink eye. You can tell if your dog has pink eye if the moist area of the under-lid becomes inflamed.

Another reason your pup may need eyedrops is epiphora, which is an overflow of tears from the eye. This can caused your dog to have a constant weeping look. Lastly, certain breeds of dogs can be more inclined to get eye infections so just make sure to know if your dog is one of them.

Selecting the Right Type

A great deal of eye drops serve the same purpose in helping your dogs, but others are intended to be used for more particular conditions. You can certainly buy over-the-counter medication for when your dog has a minor eye infection. Although, if your dog has more serious symptoms, you should consult a vet before using any type of medicine.

Eye Washes for Dogs

An eye wash is something can be easily overlooked, but is very important in this process. It is vital that you use these before administering the eye drops if you want them to be as effective as possible. Luckily its simple! All you have to do is clean out the affected area before using the drops.

Your dog deserves a proactive owner like yourself who can look out for them. Picking out the right type of eye drops can seem like a difficult task, but once you understand a bit better it can be simple and fun!