Debunked: 10 Common Myths About Dogs

We may think we know our furry friend inside out but there are plenty of myths out there that many people have yet to realize have been debunked. to help you get to know your furry friend better – here are some of the popular myths about dogs so you can know better!

1. One Human Year Equals Seven Dog Years

Interestingly enough this myth came to be when the average lifespan for humans was 70 years old and dogs lived to be about 10 (therefore 70 divided by 10 equals 7). There’s no data to show what “dog years” are in comparison to human years.

2. Dogs Are Color Blind

Many people think Dog’s see in black and white – however, this isn’t true. Dogs are only partially color blind, they can actually see shades of blue, yellow, and gray. While this isn’t a whole lot of color, it’s still more than many people tend to assume.

3. Dogs Don’t Like to Be Hugged

While you shouldn’t go around squeezing your dog and restraining them in a hug for long periods of time, physical touch (like hugging) is not a bad thing. Most dogs love physical attention, and many of them will quite literally climb on your lap in order to get the attention they want. All dogs are different, just like some people are and aren’t huggers p the same goes for dogs.

4. You Should Shave Fluffy Dogs in the Summer

Some owners think they need to shave their fluffy dogs in the summer because it’ll help them cool off. While this is a sweet sentiment, it won’t necessarily help since dogs have adapted to all types of weather through the shedding of their coat during different times of the year.

5. Dogs are Hypoallergenic Due to Their Fur

Technically all dogs produce allergens, some just produce more than others. Dogs, like poodles or smaller dogs, that don’t shed or shed less frequently are less likely to produce large amounts of allergens that can irritate people’s systems.

6. You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Most pet parents should know by now that this is just a catchy saying with no real merit to it. At Sit Means Sit, we’re a strong believer that dogs of any age (puppies or senior dogs) have the ability to change and learn new things. Through our training programs, any old dog can learn new tricks.

7. When You Put a Dog’s Nose in Their Mess it Breaks the Bad Habit

This is a terrible training method. Not only will this not break your furry friend’s habit it will only cause them to hide their accidents from you in the future. Negative reinforcement isn’t the way to go here, and instead, try to promote their positive behavior.

8. A Dog Wagging Its Tail Mean Its Happy

A dog wagging their tail definitely may seem like a happy dog but sometimes a quiver or shaking tale can be mistaken for a wag. When your furry friend is curling or quivering their tale, this is a sign that they are upset, anxious, or uncomfortable.

9. All Human Food is Bad for Dogs

While there are many foods we love, like chocolate, that are bad for our canine companions – there is also plenty of food that we regularly eat that is also good for Fido. Most fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins and nutrients for your canine companion.

10. Dogs Can’t Digest Grains

Dogs can not only digest grains but recent research has actually shown that they need grain in their diet to be healthy. Dogs on grain-free diets are more likely to develop serious conditions like heart disease called DCM or dilated cardiomyopathy. While dogs on a diet that includes grains are less likely to develop heart disease.

The more you know about your dog the better you can bond with them and protect them!