How to Celebrate Pride Month with Fido

It’s that time of the year to gear up for pride! If you are wanting to celebrate with fido, here’s how!

Get Educated

Pride festivals, marches, and other events have been happening for many years. While they are fun to attend and participate in, it is important to understand the history behind these celebrations. You can read the history here.

Additionally, our companions and furry friends have always had a role in pride. It is very rare to attend a pride event and not see any dogs or other companions in attendance as well.

Themed Gear

Rainbow flags and other flags or accessories can be found almost anywhere. The internet is probably the best place you can find what you are looking for. Without a doubt, pride items for pets are even easier to find during pride month. You can even find some adorable matching accessories to pair with your furry friend. Just be sure that the accessories fit your pal well and do not cause any irritation to the skin.

In addition, there is also pet-safe dye available to make super fun looks for fido! Some groomers have these types of dyes and others are available for an at-home salon session. With this option, you have endless possibilities!

Share Your Support

June is a great month to show your support whether you are a member of the pride community or an ally.  Show others why you support pride month and why it should matter to them too.

Also, you can help others become educated. By helping others learn about the history of pride, they can become a better ally. So, if friends, family, or even strangers come to you with questions, don’t hesitate to answer and share why pride is important to you!

Get Involved

The most obvious way to get involved is to attend a pride event! So, if you are planning to travel to an event with your furry friend, here is a resource to help you make traveling with fido smooth sailing.

There are many other ways to get involved, especially during pride month. You can volunteer through a local LGBQ+ organization or community center. Furthermore, you can also donate to or raise money for a charity or foundation that helps and advocates for the pride community. Additionally, you can attend pride art galleries, shows, or movies.

We love to spend time with our best friends and involve them in everything that we do. So, pride month is no exception! Get out there and celebrate pride month with your furry friend and have fun!