The Smartest Dog Breeds

The Top 5 Smartest Dog Breeds

Have you ever wondered if all dogs are created equal in terms of intelligence? A Bernese Mountain Dog looks like it could be a completely different species when put next to something like a Chihuahua, but how does their intelligence compare?

Most dogs are smart. They might just show it in different ways depending on the breed and what they are designed to do. Some dogs are motivated by a strong desire to please, while others can learn quickly because of their natural instincts and drive to work.

Today we are focusing on dogs who understand commands in less than five repetitions and obeyed them 95% of the time or better.

Border Collie

Topping the list is non-other than the handsome Border Collie! These dogs were bred to herd flocks in England and Scotland.

Border Collies are highly intelligent and highly trainable but require a large amount of vigorous exercise. These dogs excel in activities such as herding, obedience, rally, and agility and are great for an active owner who is willing to put in the time and effort it takes for this breed to thrive.

A Border Collie named Chaser had the largest tested memory of any non-human animal. Chaser could identify and retrieve 1,022 toys by name!


Whether Standard, Miniature, or Toy, the Poodle is extremely intelligent and easily trained. Don’t let their elegant looks fool you! They enjoy sports such as agility, obedience, tracking, and dock diving. This breed is people oriented and with positive training they are quick and willing to please.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is the perfect example of canine loyalty, courage, and confidence. They have the ability to learn commands for many tasks and can make a highly intelligent companion and an extraordinary worker.

The German Shepherd can make a great pet if given the proper care and training throughout their life. Early socialization and continued training will help ensure that they will grow to be a well-mannered adult.

Golden Retriever

Not only is the Golden Retriever recognized as one of the most popular breeds by the AKC, it’s also one of the smartest! They were originally bred for hunting but their loyalty and eagerness to please make them excellent candidates for service and therapy work.

Goldens make the perfect family dog with their outgoing and trustworthy nature. As with all breeds, early socialization and consistent training will help your Golden develop into a well-adjusted adult.

Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman’s striking features have earned their reputation as royalty in the canine kingdom. These dogs are also highly intelligent and quick to learn, which is why they were used in WWII to guard sleeping troops and give warning barks when enemies were nearby.

The Doberman requires consistent training and socialization and can make a fun-loving companion when raised properly.

What Breed Is Best For Me?

Just because a breed is considered “smart” doesn’t mean it’s a breed for everyone. When choosing a dog, take into consideration your living situation and individual needs. For example, the Border Collie requires consistent mental and physical exercise. If you aren’t willing to put in the time and commitment, that cute puppy can easily turn into a nightmare. Take your time when researching a breed of dog to see what the best fit for your lifestyle would be.

Lastly, an intelligent dog is also the result of people putting in the time and effort to properly train their dog. Sit Means Sit San Diego has extensive experience training a wide range of dog breeds, big and small!