Helping Puppy Breath

Helping Puppy Breath

Dogs are adorable, loyal, and great playmates, but their breath can be far from pleasant! The good news is that you can easily prevent stinky dog breath with these quick and simple steps.

Brush their Teeth

Even if your dog’s breath smells like flowers, you should brush their teeth regularly to keep their gums and teeth healthy. You can purchase a special finger brush to brush your dog’s teeth, and you can also find doggie toothpaste that taste yummy and avoid harmful chemicals that human toothpastes contain. On that note, you should never brush your dog’s teeth with human toothpaste, no matter the stench of their breath!

Encourage Chewing

As all pet owners know, chewed shoes and destroyed furniture is not fun, but chewing is a natural instinct in your dog! Chewing keeps their gums clean and free from any infections or other common issues that can stink up their breath. Give them some tougher chew toys or dental treats so they have something to chew that isn’t your personal belongings! Ask your vet for the appropriate size and texture of toy to purchase for your dog to munch on.

Watch their Diet

Hopefully your dog isn’t consuming feces or dirty water, but if their breath starts to reek more than usual, you should make sure they aren’t eating things that they shouldn’t be! Keep their water bowl clean and switch out their water often so they aren’t unknowingly ingesting any nasty dirt or bacteria.

Visit your Vet

Vets are the real experts on your doggo, so talk to them about your dog’s bad breath if you’re ever concerned. They have plenty of tips on minimizing bad breath and keeping your pup’s teeth clean. If necessary, your vet can do annual cleanings on your dog’s teeth. This can be expensive, but is definitely worth it if your dog has recurring tartar build-up or excess plaque on their pearly whites.

Bad breath in your dog may indicate the presence of other health problems, so be wary of excess stench. Use these tips to improve your furry friend’s dental health and freshen up their breath!