Going Green with Your Dog

Going Green With Your Dog

It’s our responsibility as earth-dwellers to take care of our planet and go green. Unfortunately, our pets can’t do the same, so it’s our job to do it for them! If you’re always looking for more ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle your pet-related waste, look no further. We have plenty of tips on how to go green with your dog.

Try Eco-Friendly Pet Products

Buy eco-friendly pet products, especially those made from recycled materials, such as leashes. You can also try asking family members with dogs of their own if they have any used leashes, collars, crates, or other products. This is an easy way to save money and minimize waste!

Waste Doesn’t Have to Be Wasted

Dog waste, unfortunately, can contain bacteria, viruses, and parasitic worms that can infect the soil that humans interact with when playing or gardening in the dirt. This bacteria can also infect water and harm marine life, so you want to dispose of it properly. The best way to get rid of dog feces is the same way we dispose of our own waste — down the toilet. However, you can get biodegradable or compostable bags for dog waste and throw it all in the trash. This is a cheap and easy way to help the environment!

Give Away Instead of Throwing Away

When it comes to toys, dog clothes, and other dog accessories, many shelters appreciate any old dog supplies that they can get their hands on. Just because your furry friend doesn’t want it anymore doesn’t mean another pup won’t! Many shelters have lists of what they need or cannot take, so always check before you send in donations. You can also use old materials to create a new dog toy or bed and donate it as well!

Try Homemade Dog Food

Every time you purchase dog food or treats, the packaging creates a ton of waste! Making your own dog food requires patience and commitment, but it is ultimately better for the environment. It also has plenty of health benefits for your dog, since they can avoid any unwanted additives or unhealthy foods that store-bought dog foods can contain. For more things to consider when deciding whether to make your dog’s food, click here!

Switch Up Your Dog Bowls

Plastic bowls are porous and can be cracked easily. They can also contain nasty synthetic chemicals that can be harmful for your dog. If possible, you should avoid plastic feeding bowls and stick to stainless steel instead. Overall, this is a safer and cleaner way to feed your dog!

It takes a little bit of resourcefulness and some extra effort, but doing your part to go green with your dog is easier than it may seem! Give it a shot with these useful tips!