Tips: Housebreaking Your Pup

Denver Dog Training Tips: Housebreaking Your PupSo you have a new puppy. The sweet cuddles and puppy breath are enough to melt the heart of any dog lover. But with this new found friend also comes lots of responsibility. It is important to begin potty training the second you take your fur baby home. Not sure where to start? Here are a few tips to help make housebreaking a success.

Stick to a Routine

Getting your pup in a routine is important for a number of reasons, one of which is house training. This helps them understand that there are specific times of day for everything from eating, to playing and going potty. During their first few weeks with you, plan to take your pup outside to go potty every hour during the day. Once they seem to be able to hold their bladder beyond an hour, transition to every two hours. This is the best way to avoid accidents and consistently remind your pup that they are only to go potty outdoors.

Return to the Same “Spot”

Allow your dog to select a “spot” they like to go potty. Once this has been established, revisit the same spot each and every time. Even if you have a closed in backyard, keep your dog on a leash during potty training. This enables you to guide your pup to their spot and keeps them from getting distracted. Use the same command every time you take your pup out so they begin to recognize when they need to go potty.

Praise Them!

Provide positive reinforcement every time your pup successfully relieves itself in their spot. Pet them and give them a small treat right away. This positive reinforcement can dramatically speed up the housebreaking process.

Night Time Management

Roughly two hours before you go to bed, remove all water bowls so your pup does not have a full bladder at bedtime. For the first few months, you should plan to wake up in the middle of the night to take them out. This is the best way to prevent accidents. Be sure and keep lights dim and noise to a minimum to avoid exciting your pup during their nightly potty breaks.

Be Patient

Your pup can sense if you are anxious or in a hurry. Plan ahead. If you are going out and need your pup to potty before leaving, allow plenty of time for them to go potty.

Watch Them Closely

Puppies can get into trouble in very little time. It is extremely important, not only for your pup’s potty training but for their safety, that you keep a close eye on them. Use baby gates and/or closed doors to keep them contained and easy to watch. If they are showing signs of needing to go outside, act immediately.

Housebreaking is simply an exercise in patience, for you and your puppy. Follow these guidelines and give plenty of praise, before you know it your dog will be successfully potty trained! It’s important to remember that housebreaking is only part of the battle. Enroll your pup in one of our Denver dog training programs early, and begin raising a happy, obedient pup from the very beginning! Call us a 720-362-DOGS (3647) for a free demo or come by and observe one of our Denver dog training classes.

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