Preventing and Treating An Overheating Dog

Protecting our furry friends from overheating is extremely important in the warm summer months. Dogs suffer heatstroke when they are unable to regulate their body temperature. Be sure to avoid exposing your pet to extreme temperatures for extended periods of time. The amount of time your pet can bare the elements is dependent on their level of health. Be sure and keep this in mind as you plan your next outing together.

The Signs of Heatstroke

A dog’s body regulates temperature through its respiratory system. If you begin to notice excessive panting, a dry mouth, an erratic pulse, confusion, vomiting, diarrhea or hyperventilation, they may very well be experiencing heatstroke. Should you notice any of these signs, it is imperative to act quickly.

Treating Heatstroke

Cover your pet in cool, wet towels at the neck, between the hind legs and under the armpits. This is the fastest way to begin cooling down the body. Also consider wetting the paw and ears, this is yet another quick way to reverse the signs of heatstroke. As you wait for their temperature to regulate, give them cool, clean drinking water. If they refuse, do not attempt to force the issues as you risk pushing water into the lungs; you can however wet the tongue. Finally, never offer ice to a dog experiencing extreme heat exhaustion as ice can drop the body temperature too rapidly causing shock.

If symptoms do not immediately subside, get your dog to a vet as quickly as possible. Heatstroke can cause extreme dehydration which must be treated right away.

Preventing Heatstroke

To prevent heatstroke, be sure to provide plenty of shade and always have plenty of fresh, cool drinking water on hand. Take the weather into consideration when planning outings with your pet. Keep in mind that the pavement can be scalding when temperatures rise and direct, hot sunlight can cause exhaustion at much faster rate than normal. Even if your faithful companion is your running buddy in the cooler months, he might need the summer months to relax.

Here at Sit Means Sit South Denver, we are in the business of training happy, healthy pups of all ages. It is heartbreaking to see our pets in pain. With a little caution and planning we can prevent our furry friends from suffering from heatstroke. We hope you will take this information to heart and share it with your favorite fellow dog owners. Together we can keep our pets safe and comfortable in this scorching heat!

Sit Means Sit: The Leader in Dog Training 

As leading providers of dog training services in south Denver, we have had the opportunity to help hundreds of dogs and their owners. We believe that a happy, obedient dog yields a happy, confident owner. If you’re in need of dog training in Denver, we encourage you to contact us today! Learn about our award winning approach to dog training.

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