The Importance of Positivity to Dogs

The Importance of Positivity to Dogs

For years, pet parents and trainers alike assumed that training our dogs requires forceful discipline and show of dominance on the part of the trainer. However, it turns out that positivity may be the more effective way to encourage good behaviors in our dogs. Read on to learn more about how important positivity truly is for dogs.

Dogs Aren’t Always Trying to Dominate

Contrary to popular belief, behavioral issues in dogs are not usually caused by their need to be dominant. Traditional training theories viewed dogs as extremely competitive animals constantly striving to be “top dog.” However, most behavior problems are a result of a dog’s feelings of insecurity or desire to feel safe and comforted. As such, to better understand our dogs and their needs, we should approach behavior problems with kindness and compassion rather than an iron fist. After all, your dog should feel safe and protected by you at all times.

Positive Methods Are the Most Effective

When we talk about positivity, we’re generally referring to having a positive approach to training and raising your dog. However, positivity in the form of positive reinforcement training is also crucial to minimizing your dog’s behavioral issues. Positive reinforcement rewards good behavior and ensures that those behaviors continue. While it can also include negative punishment, which is the removal of something that the dog enjoys, positive reinforcement is all about encouraging good behavior. This ultimately increases good behavior long-term.

Positivity is Powerful

It’s no secret — positivity can be extremely powerful! Having a positive outlook can improve your relationship with yourself and the people around you. It also enhances communication, understanding, and patience between you and your dog. Raising a dog can be frustrating, especially when their behavioral issues continue despite your best efforts. Try reminding yourself of your dog’s more positive qualities and do your best to be patient and understanding while they learn the ropes. Your dog can sense your anger, frustration, and cruelty, and their mood often depends on yours. Happy pet parents make for happy, well-behaved dogs!

Learning is enhanced by positivity and patience. Try using positivity to your advantage and remember that it’s the most effective way to improve your dog’s bad behavior. If you are struggling with training your dog yourself, we can help! We are the leading dog trainers in Denver and help folks with all manner of behavioral issues and puppy training. Contact us today to get started.