
Sit Means Sit Southern Arizona client Max the fearful Rottweiler mix

Max was recently in for a 10 day Board and Train.  He is a 6 month old Rottie mix who needed to build some confidence and learn obedience.  A large part of Max’s training was exposure to new places and things including large stores, farm animals and plenty of farmer’s markets.  In just a few…

Sit Means Sit Southern Arizona client Phoebe nuisance barking Maltese mix

Phoebe is a 6 month old Maltese, Lhasa Apso, Shitzu mix.  She came to us for a board and train to work on general obedience including barking and digging.  Her owners also had a big move coming up so she would have to be ready to be comfortable on long plane rides and around large…

Daily Video

Sending a dog in different direction than toy


Zoe was our first dog we trained at Sit Means Sit Southern Arizona. She is a Boxer with tons of energy.

Sit Means Sit Southeastern Arizona Belgian Malinois Rescued

This is my new dog “Ann”. She is a belgian shepherd. She was given to me today, the owners just wanted her to go to a new home where she gets to work. She is just a year old and has a great attitude. On her first day we started to learn my definition of…

Hello world!

Welcome to Sit Means Sit Dog Training. Offering dog training and dog obedience training throughout the United States, Canada and across the globe! To find a Sit Means Sit dog training location near you, click here. Sit Means Sit has a vast library of dog training videos available on our website. Click here to view…