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How to Have a Safe New Years Eve with Fido

Being with friends and family is the best way to ring in the new year. However, will all the fireworks, noise makers, and parties, dogs can be especially nervous on this holiday.

Here are our best tips for keeping Fido happy and healthy this New Year’s Eve.

Keep the Alcohol Out of Reach

If you are planning on celebrating the new year with alcohol, be sure that you keep it somewhere your dog won’t be able to get to it.

Alcohol can have some serious health effects on your dog and can be lethal depending on how much they are able to consume.

Additionally, as marijuana becomes legal across the country, many poison control centers are seeing an increase in calls about dogs ingesting the substance which can also be deadly to pets.

No matter what you choose to responsibly consume this New Year’s Eve, be sure your pet doesn’t have access to it too.

Fireworks and Noise Makers

If you are going to be in an area where fireworks are going to be visible or easily heard, consider keeping your pet in a comfortable safe place away from the noise. The loud sound can be extremely frightening to pets.

Additionally, many people like to ring in the new year with lots of noise makers and poppers. Again, this can be scary to dogs so keep them in a room away from the noise.

Consider turning on the TV or some music to help drown out some of the louder noises and help keep them calm. For more information, here are our top tips to help keep your dog calm during fireworks.

Make a Plan to be Home

While many people like to go out on the town to celebrate this holiday, it is important to have a plan in place before you go to ensure you will make it home to your pet.

Not only will your pet be anxious and lonely without you there, but many pets can go that long without going outside to relieve themselves. And with the added stress of the holiday around them, you never know what kind of trouble they may get into while you are gone.

The most responsible pet owners will have a solid plan in place to get home before they even go out for the night.

Have Fun!

If partying into the new year isn’t exactly your style, there are plenty of other ways to celebrate the beginning of a new year.

You and your pooch could cuddle up on the couch for a movie marathon, bake some cookies and dog treats, or watch the ball drop together on TV.

No matter how you choose to spend your New Year’s Eve, be sure to keep your dog’s happiness and health at the top of your mind. Happy New Year!