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Tips For Removing Snow & Ice From Fido's Fur

Tips for Removing Snow & Ice from Fido’s Fur

With snow and temperatures falling, it’s time for some winter fun for Fido! If your dog enjoys playing and rolling around in the snow, then you know they often accumulate snow and ice in their fur. But that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the winter fun! So, read below to learn tips for removing snow and ice from Fido’s fur!

Brush It Out

If the snow and ice accumulation is minimal, try gently brushing your pal’s coat. Remember to brush in the direction of the hair growth to avoid creating more tangles! If simply brushing doesn’t seem to do the trick, try the additional tips below!

Hairdryer On A Low Setting

If the clumps of snow are acting stubborn, try using a hair dryer with warm air to melt the clumps of snow. Please don’t hold the hair dryer too close to the skin so it doesn’t become too hot on your canine’s skin. Gently pull at the loosened clumps to remove them. You can also use a brush or comb to help remove the melted clumps.

Bath Time

A warm bath may be necessary if there is lots of snow and ice matted into your canine’s fur. A full bath with the works isn’t always needed. So, you can forgo the shampoo and allow your pal to soak in the warm water to melt the snow clumps. This may mean just soaking their paws to loosen the ice. Then, try gently brushing the loosened clumps in the direction of hair growth. Be gentle! Brushing damp fur can sometimes be painful.

To prevent excess snow buildup, practice winter safety tips so you can still have fun in the snow! Then, follow the tips above to remove any snow and ice your pal is bound to collect while having fun in the great outdoors!