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Preparing Your Dog for Fireworks

It’s that time of the year when firework celebrations begin. You may already know that your pal is scared of fireworks, or you may have a new companion. Fireworks can cause stress and anxiety in your furry friend. Below are tips to prepare your pup for fireworks.

Pheromone Diffuser

Pheromone sprays or diffusers help to ease your pup’s stress and anxiety. These diffusers are great at calming generally nervous pets. You can place a few around the house. If you are doing this specifically for firework events, you should start the diffusers at least a week before the events. Talk with your vet to choose the best option for your pooch.

Earlier Walks

Your pal relies on routine. So, it would help if you gradually altered your regular walking routine a week before firework events. Take your companion out early to avoid being outside when the fireworks start. However, keep your pal on a leash just in case there are fireworks and they get startled. Startled pups often run off without warning.

Safe Spaces

Set up a room with food, water, bedding, and toys for your furry friend to retreat to. This way, they will feel calm and safe in a familiar environment. However, do not restrict them to the area. Let your pooch go wherever they feel the safest.

Additionally, be sure that there are plenty of hiding places where they feel safe. Also, pay attention to where they retreat to avoid shitting them in.

Close Windows and Blinds

Closed windows will muffle loud noises from fireworks. Closing blinds will further soften noise and shut out any bright flashes that might scare Fido. Remember to close the doggy door too!

TV or Radio

Playing calm music or a TV show you watch regularly is best. Turning the radio or TV on will help mask the sounds of the fireworks. Additionally, it provides a familiar noise to calm and distract your pup.

Stay Home

If possible, it is best to stay home with your companion. Your furry friend will be calmed and reassured by your presence. Be sure to give them lots of love and attention!


Giving your pal a treat will lower their stress and reward good behavior! Additionally, giving them an enriching dog treat toy will help stimulate their mind and keep them from worrying about what is happening around them.


In an emergency, you should ensure that Fido has a microchip and that all the information is up to date. If your pal is startled, they can run away. Be sure that you can be reunited right away by having updated microchipping.


In the future, you may want to try to desensitize your furry friend from the sound of fireworks. Do this by placing your pal in a safe place and playing firework audio at a low volume. Reward your pup with a treat after each loud noise. Then, gradually increase the volume as their signs of anxiety lessen. It would be best if you also varied the volume when doing this desensitizing training.

Desensitising and becoming comfortable with fireworks and loud noises can take time. You should expect some anxiety about fireworks, but the tips above can help you minimize them. Help your furry friend enjoy the fireworks too! Here are other ways to ease your nervous pet.