Preparing Your Dog for New Years’ Fireworks

With New Years’ right around the corner, pet parents planning to go out and celebrate need to consider the preparation of leaving their pets at home with the possibility of fireworks in the neighborhood. The inevitable rowdy neighbor could light fireworks off at midnight, causing your pet to panic or potty on the floor. To avoid coming home to a doggy disaster, we have gathered our best firework preparation tips for pet parents!

Keep Pets Inside

Before leaving for the night, make sure all pets are secure within the home. Don’t leave them outside or any windows cracked; this could lead to them escaping if they get spooked by a loud noise. Likewise, this time of year is way too cold to leave pets outside for an extended time. Pets inside should have proper identification and updated collar tags, just in case they find a way to leave the property.

Have a Safe Spot

Pets should have a designated closet/bathroom or spot in the basement for Fido to hide if needed. This haven should be composed of comfy blankets, clothing with your smell, and their favorite toys! This way, if there are loud, scary noises, your pet knows exactly where to go. Leaving pets to their devices to find a safe spot could lead to them breaking or knocking something over.

Leave on White Noise

To make your pet feel more comfortable, leave the TV on or ask Alexa to play some music to give a white noise background. White noise can help drown out the fireworks or people outside talking if your home is a walking traffic area. Pets don’t always enjoy being left alone, so having some background noise will make them feel like you’re home too!

Lots of Love

Once you return from your night of festivities, Fido will be so excited to see you! You both can snuggle on the couch and make a list of resolutions for the upcoming year together!

Check out these related articles for more pet safety tips!

Preparing Your Dog for Fireworks

How to Give Your Dog the Heimlich

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