A Full Guide on Puppy Play Dates

Want to plan a playdate for your furry friend? Read below for a full guide on puppy playdates!

Importance of Play Dates

Playdates provide socialization, which is key to having a happy pup with positive behavior and development. Not properly socializing your pal will lead to behavior problems. This can include aggressive behavior, fearful behavior, or avoidance.

When to Begin

Your pup should be socialized with new people, dogs, and environments within the first three months of their lives. However, they should have their first set of vaccines and deworm before meeting new dogs. This will ensure that there is minimal risk of infection spreading from pup to pup. If your pal is older than three months and hasn’t had a play date yet, don’t fret! Just begin socialization s soon as you can. All of the benefits are still there, it may just take them longer to socialize.

How to Begin

First, pick an appropriate play date. You should look for a playmate of a similar size, age, energy level, and play style. However, this doesn’t mean that your pal can’t be friends with dogs of different sizes or play styles. But it is better to start here so your pal is comfortable and ensures a more successful playdate.

Next, pick a safe space where your pups won’t become overwhelmed or territorial. This could be at a local park or other community areas. Also, bring treats as positive reinforcers to help create a positive association towards the playdate. Additionally, don’t force your furry friend into interacting. Let them play and interact at their own pace. With that being said, also pay attention to their body language. If they seem uncomfortable or growl, put some distance between your companions until they are more comfortable.

Playdate vs Doggy Daycare

Daycare is not the same as a playdate. It is not the ideal place for teaching social skills and proper behavior. Additionally, it is harder to control the environment, duration, and number of people around. All of this is important when starting playdates for the first time. However, doggy daycare is important but shouldn’t be the primary socialization method.

Follow the tips above when planning a puppy playdate!