Health & Safety

Tips for Helping Fido Live a Long & Healthy Life

Tips for Helping Fido Live a Long & Healthy Life

As dog owners, we want our dogs to live as long as possible. Read these tips to learn how you can help your furry friend live a long and healthy life. Keep an eye on their nutrition. Like humans, our pups need adequate nutrition. Nutrition and health go paw-in-paw, especially as our pets age. Many…

Why You Should Go Hiking with Fido

Hiking with your dog is an amazing experience, so we’ve broken down the best reasons why you should go hiking with your pup!  Burn Calories Taking hikes with your dog can have some fantastic health benefits. One of these includes burning calories. You’ll actually burn way more calories during a hike than walking in a…

Your Dog Shouldn't Go Near Leaf Piles & Here's Why

Your Dog Shouldn’t Go Near Leaf Piles & Here’s Why

Jumping in leaf piles is a time-honored fall tradition. However, this fun activity can be dangerous for your pooch. Keep reading to find out why and how to keep your pup safe this autumn. Fleas and Ticks Fleas and ticks are rampant in old leaf piles. Ticks are small parasites that can cling to your…

Causes for Belly Rashes in Dogs

As a dog owner, you may notice your furry friend scratching their belly more than usual, and upon closer inspection, you might see a rash. While a belly rash in dogs can be uncomfortable for them, it’s also a concern for you as it could indicate a more serious health issue. Understanding the causes of…