
What are the Best Breeds for First Time Dog Owners?

What are the Best Breeds for First Time Dog Owners?

Welcoming a furry friend into your home can be an enriching experience. But as a first-time owner, choosing the right breed is essential. Here are the best five dog breeds for first-time owners!  Labrador Retriever Affectionate, loyal, and gentle, Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular breeds worldwide for good reason. They are highly…

How You Can Celebrate National Puppy Day!

How You Can Celebrate National Puppy Day!

March 23rd is National Puppy Day! We’ve rounded up the best ways to celebrate this amazing holiday with your pup. Plan an Adventure Taking your puppy on an adventure is a great way to celebrate National Puppy Day with your pooch. Research the best dog parks and dog-friendly trails in your city! However, make sure…

Tips for Helping Fido Live a Long & Healthy Life

Tips for Helping Fido Live a Long & Healthy Life

As dog owners, we want our dogs to live as long as possible. Read these tips to learn how you can help your furry friend live a long and healthy life. Keep an eye on their nutrition. Like humans, our pups need adequate nutrition. Nutrition and health go paw-in-paw, especially as our pets age. Many…

Why You Should Go Hiking with Fido

Hiking with your dog is an amazing experience, so we’ve broken down the best reasons why you should go hiking with your pup!  Burn Calories Taking hikes with your dog can have some fantastic health benefits. One of these includes burning calories. You’ll actually burn way more calories during a hike than walking in a…

The Best Recipes For Dog-Safe Christmas Cookies

The Best Recipes for Dog-Safe Christmas Cookies

Christmas time means the house is full of special food and desserts! But your furry friend doesn’t have to feel left out! Read below for Christmas cookie Recipes for dogs! Doggy Christmas Cookies Check out this festive recipe with simple ingredients that are safe for Fido! Ingredients 1 cup frozen cranberries 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce…

Clipping Your Dog's Nails: A Full Guide

Clipping Your Dog’s Nails: A Full Guide

Nail clipping is an essential part of the grooming process. But, clipping Fido’s nails can be very daunting. We’ve created a guide on how to cut your dog’s nails at home. Gather Supplies There are a few things you should keep handy when grooming your dog’s nails. Dog treats are important to keep your dog…

Your Dog Shouldn't Go Near Leaf Piles & Here's Why

Your Dog Shouldn’t Go Near Leaf Piles & Here’s Why

Jumping in leaf piles is a time-honored fall tradition. However, this fun activity can be dangerous for your pooch. Keep reading to find out why and how to keep your pup safe this autumn. Fleas and Ticks Fleas and ticks are rampant in old leaf piles. Ticks are small parasites that can cling to your…

Why Does Dog Pee Stain Grass?

Why Does Dog Pee Stain Grass?

You’re trying to take care of a beautiful lawn, but you start to notice random splotches of dead grass. After a bit of investigating, you discover the culprit… Your dog’s pee! Keep reading to find out why Fido’s urine stains your grass and how you can fix your lawn! How does urine ruin grass? When…

Tips For Taking the Best Photos of Your Dog

Tips for Taking the Best Photos of Your Dog

As proud pet parents, we love to take a million pictures of our pooches. But sometimes, our furry friends aren’t the most photogenic. Keep reading for tips on how to take the best photos of your dog. Perfect your lighting When taking photos of your pup, it’s best to use natural lighting. Natural lighting ensures…

Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails in Wilmington, North Carolina

Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails in Wilmington, North Carolina

North Carolina has many beautiful trails that are perfect for a nice walk with your pup. Keep reading to learn about the many dog-friendly hiking trails Wilmington offers. Halyburton Park This gorgeous park is perfect for a scenic stroll with your furry friend. This park includes a 1.3-mile nature walk that showcases the beautiful sights…