Tips for Helping Fido Live a Long & Healthy Life

Tips for Helping Fido Live a Long & Healthy Life

As dog owners, we want our dogs to live as long as possible. Read these tips to learn how you can help your furry friend live a long and healthy life.

Keep an eye on their nutrition.

Like humans, our pups need adequate nutrition. Nutrition and health go paw-in-paw, especially as our pets age. Many vets recommend looking at organic food or gently cooked food for your pooch’s meals. Organic food is jam-packed with nutrients, which can help your canine live long and healthy.

Create an exercise routine.

Our pups need to exercise daily, especially as they age. Exercise allows Fido to get their body moving, which can postpone many age-related health issues. Having a routine will give your dog consistency and enrichment their whole life. As your pooch ages, make sure to adjust your exercise routine to fit their pace.

Don’t forget about dental health.

Your canine’s dental health is incredibly important. Make sure to brush your dog’s teeth daily to prevent the build-up of plaque. Plaque can lead to harmful bacteria that can cause many health issues as your dog ages. Periodontal disease is actually the most common disease in dogs, affecting 85% of canines over the age of three.

Spend quality time with your furry friends.

Our dogs are extremely social creatures, and they gain joy from being around their pack. They are so bonded with us that spending quality time with our poochs can actually improve the quality of their life. Make sure to give your dog ample attention during stressful life transitions, such as a move or the arrival of a new family member. These life events could lead to stress, which can cause health issues down the line.

We all love our furry friends. They’re a member of our family, and we want them to be along as long as possible. So, remember to follow these tips to help Fido live a long and healthy life.