Are Robot Vacuums Good for Dog Owners?

Are Robot Vacuums Good for Dog Owners?

Owning a dog comes with many positives and negatives. Arguably one of the worst aspects of owning a furry friend is the fur everywhere. After owning a dog for even just a few months, you’ll begin to notice the fur coating your clothes, furniture, and worst of all, your carpet. From lint rollers to household hacks, you’ve probably tried everything to get that dog fur out of your carpet, to no avail. If so, we recommend trying a pet-focused robot vacuum to pick up that hard-to-get hair from your carpet. Although they’re expensive, we promise they’re worth it! Check out our favorites below.

iRobot Roomba i7+

This powerful vacuum is complete with power-lifting suction that is ten times more powerful than a regular Roomba. With dual brushes and  powerful filters to sift out all of the pet allergens, pet hair is no match for the iRobot Roomba i7+. This luxury vacuum empties itself into a clean base, meaning you won’t have to empty it for up to 60 days. It also comes with an improved navigation system and the capacity to connect with Alexa and Google home. 

iRobot Roomba 675

With dual multi-surface brushes to get that deep clean that many pet parents need, this Roomba will be your new best friend. The Roomba comes with dirt detection sensors and an intelligent navigation system to handle messes with ease. You can also program it with schedules and it automatically recharges when necessary. You’ll be impressed by the results that you see with this high-tech Roomba. Say goodbye to dirt, hair, and pet allergens!

Roborock S5 Max

If you’re looking for the best of both worlds in your pet hair vacuum, look no further than the Roborock S5 Max. This high-tech robot can both vacuum and mop your floors. It also has a powerful suction boost that will suck even the smallest bits of dirt and debris from your carpets. You can program your vacuum with no-go zones and no-mop zones to make this smart vacuum even smarter, so stop putting up with dirty floors and invest in this powerful machine!

PowerBot Pet Plus from Samsung

With 20W suction, a washable filter, and an incredible navigation system, this vacuum can suck up hair stronger and longer than other vacuums, and powerful wheels allow it to climb over rugs and bumps with ease. The vacuum comes with a remote, but you can also connect it to Echo and Nest Home speakers to allow for voice control. The brush also self-cleans, which is great for avoiding hair tangles while it cleans. Pet hair is something no one wants to deal with, so let this vacuum do its trick and clean your floors up for you.

If you’re tired of dealing with pet hair, dirt, and debris in your carpets, consider investing in a new pet hair vacuum. These powerful devices are designed to get even the most stubborn bits of fur out of your carpets. Your carpets will get the transformation they need to look as good as new again!