
The Importance of Socialization for Dogs

The Importance of Socialization for Dogs

It may be hard right now to socialize normally, but luckily, we have access to zoom, our phones, and computers when we need to talk to someone. But what about our pups? Your dog doesn’t have the ability to FaceTime his friends when he wants to play. While they can’t ask for it, social time…

Toxic Essential Oils to Dogs

Essential oils have become quite popular over the years. They are known for their power to naturally heal a wide range of conditions, including headaches, autism, acne, psoriasis, cancer, anxiety, and ADHD, among others. While essential oils have some proven benefits for humans, others are toxic to dogs. As pet parents, it is our job…

2020 Hurricane Safety Tips for Dogs

2020 Hurricane Safety Tips for Dogs

Hurricane season ranges from June to November, with the most dangerous month being September each year. After several devastating storms, many residents of hurricane-impacted areas want to be prepared for their families and pets for the upcoming storms. Whether you choose to evacuate with your dog or stay home and ride out the storm, it’s…

What’s REALLY Hiding Behind Your Dog’s Bad Breath?

What’s Really Hiding Behind Your Dog’s Bad Breath?

Bad breath in dogs could be caused by smelly chew bones, treats, or something they ate outside. But, it can also be a sign of an underlying disease. According to the American Veterinary Dental College, “Periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition occurring in adult dogs and cats, and is entirely preventable.” Hiding behind that…

Transform Yard Into Dog Park

Transform Your Backyard Into A Dog Park

It may not always be possible to take your furry friend to the local dog park, but they still need a place to play. If you have a fenced in backyard, you can follow a few simple steps to turn your backyard into your pup’s personal dog park. Make A Plan & Prepare The Space…

Removing Sand from Your Dog’s Coat After a Day at the Beach

Removing Sand from Your Dog’s Coat After a Day at the Beach

Dog owners and dogs alike can agree – beach days are the best days. But what isn’t the best is dealing with all of the sand that coats our furry friends after a long day at the beach. It seems like somehow, our dogs always end up with sand everywhere, and the last thing we…

The Best Books for Dog Lovers in 2020

The Best Books for Dog Lovers in 2020

There’s not much better than spending some time with our furry friends, but reading about our furry friends is a close second! True dog-lovers love a good book about a good dog. Can’t get enough of dogs? Check out this awesome list of heartwarming books about dogs. A Dog’s Purpose The first of a trio…

Are Robot Vacuums Good for Dog Owners?

Are Robot Vacuums Good for Dog Owners?

Owning a dog comes with many positives and negatives. Arguably one of the worst aspects of owning a furry friend is the fur everywhere. After owning a dog for even just a few months, you’ll begin to notice the fur coating your clothes, furniture, and worst of all, your carpet. From lint rollers to household…

Help! My Dog has Dandruff

Help! My Dog has Dandruff

We all know what dandruff looks like in humans, and the same thing can happen to our dogs: white flakes scattered on their fur and signs of itchy, dry skin probably indicate that your dog has dandruff. Read on to learn more about causes and treatments of dog dandruff. Causes of Dog Dandruff Dandruff generally…

What Causes Eye Boogers in Dogs?

What Causes Eye Boogers in Dogs?

If you feel like you’re constantly wiping eye boogers out of your dog’s eyes, you’re not alone. Eye discharge can build up over time, causing dogs to have eye boogers. Though not very cute, all that gunk in your dog’s eyes is usually harmless. Here are the main reasons that your dog likely has eye…

Is Salt Water Safe for Dogs Skin?

Is Salt Water Safe for Dogs?

Us humans are constantly hearing about the benefits and dangers of salt water. While salt water is beneficial for us in some ways, it can also be harmful in others. Therefore, it’s only reasonable for you to be curious about saltwater safety for dogs as well. Here in Tampa, our dogs want to get all…

What Can I Give My Dog for Pain Relief?

What Can I Give My Dog for Pain Relief?

As pet parents, our dogs’ health and wellbeing is always a top priority. Our fondness for our furry friends also means that we hate to see them in pain. However, before you open up your medicine cabinet, you should know what types of medications you can give your dog for pain relief. Check it out…