Things to Consider Before Switching to Homemade Dog Food

Things to Consider Before Switching to Homemade Dog Food

Homemade dog food can greatly improve your dog’s health, but it also comes with some lifestyle changes for us pet parents! Consider the following before deciding whether to switch to homemade dog food.

Be Ready to Commit

Making dog food takes some time and energy on your part, and your dog is depending on you to provide food for them. You should first consider whether you’re willing to set aside the time to find the best recipes, shop for ingredients, and prepare the food itself.

Educate Yourself

The food your dog eats is very important for improving or maintaining their health! Ask your veterinarian for recommendations before switching to a homemade diet. Do your own research on what ingredients are crucial for your dog’s health and what changes you may see in your dog.

Ingredients Can Be Difficult to Find

Shopping for dog food ingredients is not the one-stop-shop that we’re accustomed to for our grocery runs. You may need to order some ingredients online and really search for some others. We recommend buying non-perishable items in bulk when you find them to make your life easier in the future!

These are just a few of the factors that you should consider when deciding whether to switch to homemade dog food. Always ask your veterinarian before changing up your pooch’s diet, and remember that making dog food is not for everyone! For dog owners who want the homemade dog food without the messy cooking, check out Butternut Boxes — they deliver homemade dog food right to your doorstep! Dig in!