Car Safety Tips for Large Dogs

Car Safety Tips for Large Dogs

Traveling in the car can be a constant part of a pup’s life. While car rides can be a breeze for smaller breeds, getting your giant pooch into your vehicle is another story. Read on to find the best safety tips for larger dogs.

Is Your Vehicle the Appropriate Size for Your Big Dog?

Some smaller cars cannot accommodate your pup’s size. Before heading off on a car ride, ensure Fido can fit comfortably in your vehicle. He should be able to stand, sit, lie, and turn around with no difficulty. Your dog should be able to enter and exit the car door comfortably, fur and all.

Decide Where Fido Will Ride

The rear seat or the cargo area are the best spots for larger dogs. The back seat is best for dogs with anxiety, as they can see you the whole ride. You can also keep an eye on your pup during your journey. You can easily use safety measures such as safety harnesses if your dog is in the back seat. However, the cargo area is best for dogs that like to spread out. You can add Fido’s favorite blanket or bed to the cargo area to make him more comfortable. However, this option is unsafe in SUVs or dogs with a rear crumple area.

Choose a Restraint System

Dogs need a safety restraint when riding in a car, just like we do! If a dog is left unrestrained in a car, it can have dangerous and even fatal results. There are three options for car restraints; harnesses, crates, or seat belts. Harnesses attach to the car and keep your pup snugly in place. These harnesses fit around the chest and upper body and are often adjustable. Car crates have been designed to absorb shock in case of emergency and keep Fido in place. Dog seat belts attach to your pre-existing car buckle and are designed for a dog’s size and shape. This is best for dogs who have a hard time sitting still.

Get a Ramp or Stairs

Getting a ramp or stairs makes your pup getting in and out of the car much safer. When your pup jumps out of your vehicle, they risk injuring themselves and the people around you, so investing in a ramp or stairs is essential. Your car ramp must be durable, strong, and portable—the ramp’s material needs to be slip resistant to prevent dangerous falls. Also, keep a tight grip on your pup’s harness or leash while they are exiting your vehicle. This can help keep Fido from falling or running off.

Protect Your Vehicle and Your Pup

Seat protectors are a great way to protect your vehicle’s upholstery from your messy pooch. High-quality seat protectors should be water-proof, odor-free, and come with adjustable straps. Adding signs about your pup is also a great way to protect your furry friend. In case of an accident, first responders are aware of Fido being in your vehicle and allow him to get proper medical attention.

Being safe in your car is very important, especially when it comes to big dogs. Use these tips to prepare for your next drive with your furry friend!