Festive Fidos: How to Keep Your Dog Calm this Holiday Season

Festive Fidos: How to Keep Your Dog Calm this Holiday Season

The holidays can be stressful, especially for your furry friend. Here are our tips on how to keep your pooch calm this holiday season!

Keeping Calm at Home

Keep Introductions Brief

If you plan to host a holiday party this year, limit introductions between the guests and your pup. Meeting a large group of new people might frighten or excite your pup, leading to destructive behavior. If possible, invest in a sturdy dog-gate. Then, you can safely separate your pooch from the rest of the holiday celebrations. If your furry friend has already met everyone you are hosting this holiday season, still keep introductions calm and quick.

Create a calming area for Fido.

Creating a calming space allows your pup to have a sanctuary among the Holidya choas. Choose a room guests are not allowed in, and place your pup’s bed, crate, and favorite toys in this area. Before the holiday festivities, introduce your furry friend to this calming area. If your dog is getting anxious during holiday celebrations, gently lead your pooch to this room, and calm them down.

Keeping Calm While Traveling

Make a doggy travel kit.

One of the most stressful parts of the holidays is traveling, especially with your furry friends. Create a doggy travel kit to deal with the unknowns of holiday travel. Make sure to include your dog’s food, treats, favorite toys, blanket, and travel water bowl. You can also place claiming dog products in this travel kit, such as calming treats and compression shirts.

Invest in calming products.

If your pooch needs extra help calming down during travel, invest in dog-friendly calming products. Discuss with your vet calming dog supplements. These dog treats are often filled with calming ingredients, such as melatonin. You can also look into getting a compression shirt for your furry friend. Compression shirts, such as the Thundershirt, create a tight, calming sensation for your pup.

Hopefully, these tips will make the holidays a little easier for you and your pooch! Happy Holidays!