
These Dog Breeds Make Great Running Partners

These Dog Breeds Make Great Running Partners

Are you an avid runner seeking a furry companion on your daily excursions? Dogs are fantastic running partners, providing motivation, companionship, and enthusiasm for pounding the pavement. If you’re ready to lace up your sneakers and hit the trails with a four-legged friend by your side, here are the top dog breeds as running partners!…

Dry Eyes in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Dry Eyes in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Dry eyes are never great, especially canine dry eyes. Today, we’re going to break down the causes and treatment of dry eyes in dogs. What is Dry Eye Syndrome? Dry eye syndrome, also known as Keratoconjunctivitis, affects tear production in dogs. It decreases the tear production in dog eyes, leading to discomfort and redness of…

Tiny Home Living With Fido

Tiny Home Living with Fido: A Full Guide

Tiny house living is a new lifestyle that is sweeping the nation. Not only is tiny-house living sustainable, it’s also pet-friendly! Keep reading to find out how to adapt your tiny house to your pooches’ needs. House Design Use Ramps and Stairs A strategic ramp and stair space in a tiny house can be a…

How to Brush Your Dog Based on Their Coat

Regular brushing is an essential part of maintaining your dog’s coat health and overall well-being. However, not all dogs have the same coat type, and each requires specific grooming techniques and tools to keep their fur in top shape. Here’s how to brush your dog based on their coat type. Short-Haired Coats Breeds like Boxers,…

What to Do Now That You’re a New Pet Parent

So, you’ve just brought home a new puppy, and you’re busy getting settled and making sure you have all the necessary supplies for your new furry friend. Here are some of the things you may forget about in the excitement of pet parenthood! Schedule a Vet Appointment Within the first week or so of bringing…