Health & Safety

Do I Need Pet Insurance?

Do I Need Pet Insurance?

We want to keep our furry friends happy and healthy, but sometimes those hefty vet bills can dent our savings. That’s where pet insurance comes in. Just like human insurance, pet insurance can cover medical bills for our furry friends. But, there are a couple of key differences from human insurance.  Keeping reading to learn…

Calming Dog Music

Music can have a powerful effect on dogs, just like it does on humans. Calming music has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in dogs, making it a great tool for pet owners to use to help their furry friends relax. In this post, we’ll be exploring the kind of music that is calming…

How to Give Your Dog the Heimlich

Dogs are chewers by nature. They will chew on just about everything they can sink their teeth into. However, when that turns dangerous and your dog seems like they may be choking, do you know what to do? Signs Your Dog is Choking Many of the signs that your dog is choking are similar to…