Group Class Blog (Current Clients Only)

What Age To Start Training

What Age Do You Start Training a Puppy?

People bring problem dogs into our shop all the time that have simply waited too long to start training.  Unfortunately, some people don’t take the time out of their life for the new pet or focus too much on the cost of quality training and do not start early. The top problems in not starting…

Why Food Training Doesnt Work

Why Food Dog Training Does Not Work

First, I will say that food can be a powerful motivator when training your dog. I do use food in shaping some things, with some dogs. However, if you rely only on food, your dog will not be reliable in all distractions.  For some dogs food can shape, but not require behavior. Think about it….

How Much Does Training Cost?

How Much Does Dog Training Cost?

How much will it cost to get my dog professionally trained? This is a common question for people that do not know what to ask. The best question to ask a dog trainer is what will I get and can this really solve my issue and give me results I want?  How does the dog…