Is My Dog’s Earwax Normal?

Earwax is a natural occurrence in all mammals to keep the ear drum clean and debris-free. Foreign objects or lasting moisture within your inner canal can cause minor or significant ear infections; pet parents must keep their fur babies’ ears clean and dry at all times! Dogs should have regular ear cleanings at home monthly or bi-monthly, which we found surprisingly more accessible than expected (see Ear Cleaning Products below)! Use this post as an ear-cleaning guide for keeping Fido in tip-top shape!

Earwax Color Chart

Using a tissue or soft wet cloth, wipe the inside of your pet’s ear to collect a bit of ear wax to see the color. While this chart doesn’t exhaust every color, yellow to light brown is considered the typical healthy ear wax. Color variations indicate an underlying health issue; yeast flourishes in moist areas, meaning there is lasting moisture within your pet’s ears that needs to be addressed. Lasting moisture can be caused by not thoroughly drying their ears after bathtime or swimming. Likewise, the fungus also grows in damp conditions, so keeping Fido’s ears clean and dry is quintessential. If their ear wax is any color beyond yellow or brown, we recommend consulting your Veterinarian.

How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

While pets used to have to go to the Vet for proper ear care, now we can do it at home with easy ear pads or the ear solution liquid method.

Ear Cleaning Products

Pet MD – Dog Ear Cleaner Wipes (100 wipes for $13.99)

Pre-moistened ear pads/wipes make the process easy for you and Fido! Have your furry friend lie down in a comfy spot, then wipe the innards of their ear without going too deep to harm them. Let your pet shake its head, and voila! Clean for another month!

Virbac EPIOTIC Advanced Ear Cleaner (8 fl. oz. for $19.50)

Alternatively, a liquid ear-cleaning solution can be more hectic for pet parents. Have Fido lie down (we recommend outside or in the bathroom), then fill your pet’s ear canal with cleaner and start massaging the base of the ear. After massaging for a minute, let Fido shake all the liquid out of their ears. Then, use cotton balls to wipe out the ear wax and debris and repeat as needed. Clean ears for a happy dog!

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