Tips to Stop Your Dog from Digging Up the Yard

Tips to Stop Your Dog from Digging Up the Yard

Does it seem like no matter the amount of training, your dog just won’t stop digging up the yard? Dogs are playful, friendly, and loyal companions to have around, but they can also be extremely mischievous! Read on for our top tips to prevent your dog from digging up the yard.

Barriers to Digging

One of the simplest solutions to your dog’s digging habits is to simply put something in their way to prevent them from doing it! This works especially well for dogs who consistently dig in the same area. Some common solutions to bar your dog’s entry into common digging areas include partially burying rocks in the noted digging spots, burying chicken wire just under the surface, sprinkling citrus peels or vinegar on the ground, or installing a sprinkler system.

Channeling Energy Elsewhere

Stubborn dogs who love to dig may just have too much energy! Try out some fun diversions to use up some of that energy without digging. Classic toys like tennis balls for fetch, ropes for tug-of-war, and some plush stuffed animals are usually effective diversions. Otherwise, try out some treat-dispensing games or dental chews to keep them busy. Whatever your dog prefers, there are plenty of toys that are sure to keep them busy. Some dog owners have even installed sandboxes for their dogs to dig without harming their yard!

Cool Them Down

It sounds odd, but your dog’s digging problem may be the result of overheating in warm weather. Digging is an instinct, and if your dog is too hot or flustered, they may turn to digging. Try keeping them cool under a doggie canopy or try leaving the sprinkler running for them to cool off. You may even consider getting a kiddie pool for your overheated pooch to lounge around and cool down! There are many ways to beat the summer heat with your dog, but it may take some time to figure out what they like and dislike. If your pup seems extremely overheated, keep them inside and limit them to just potty breaks outside.

Pest Prevention

Though you may suspect your dog is the culprit behind the massive holes in your yard, it may be the case that another pest has entered your yard and destroyed your lawn. Watch your dog when they go outside and make sure that they’re not digging around. If your dog seems seems clean (literally and figuratively), it probably isn’t them digging the holes in your yard! It may also be the case that your dog is digging around in search of rodents that your dog senses. If you do have other pests digging around, you may need an exterminator to clear out your yard and prevent more digging.

Digging is an extremely common issue among our furry friends. Luckily, there are plenty of easy solutions that you can try out to tackle your dog’s digging. Give these solutions a try — they could make all the difference in your pup’s behavior!