Can Dogs Talk to Each Other?

Can Dogs Talk to Each Other?

Have you ever wondered if your dog can talk to other pups they play with? Between barking, howling, and different body language, it’s hard to tell if Fido is actually saying something to others. But, there are a few indicators your dog may be communicating with other pooches. Here’s how dogs may talk to each other:

Dogs’ language obviously isn’t how humans communicate, but that doesn’t mean they’re not having their own conversations.


Barking is a universal sign that your dog is trying to communicate something. High pitched barking indicates a greater level of emotion like excitement or happiness. But a sharp and immediate high pitch could indicate pain so be sure to observe their body language and surroundings as well. A low-pitched bark or growl is usually used to ward off threats, show aggression and anger, and tell other animals to back off.

Short and frequent bursts of barking, usually in combination with a wagging tail or smiling (not baring teeth) means your dog is in a playful mood! Other pooches can sense this as an invitation to play.

Facial Expressions

Dogs show their emotions heavily in their facial expressions. A dog that is relaxed and happy will have their ears slightly forward with a gentle mouth. Aggression is shown by a tense face, baring teeth, and ears clearly forward. Anxious pups tend to cower, have their ears tucked, and look away from others. Pooches that are scared tend to pant/drool, clench their jaw, and their pupils are dilated.

Body Language/Movement

Dogs sometimes bow to show that they trust others, apologize, or invite someone to play/interact with them. A paw slap between dogs is often friendly and an indicator of greeting. Biting is also playful in nature unless paired with signs of aggression like low growling and baring teeth. But beware, if your pup’s ears are pointing backward you should probably take them out of the situation they’re in!

The short answer is yes, dogs do talk to each other, but not in the same way humans do! They also communicate in their own language to their human counterparts. Check out this post about how your canine companion may be communicating with you!