TikTok Challenges You Can Do with Fido

TikTok Challenges You Can Do with Fido

Do you find yourself spending more time bored at home these days? If you have an adorable dog that keeps you company, try out some TikTok challenges to pass the time. You and your dog are sure to have a blast together and bond while trying to recreate some viral trends! Take a crack at these TikTok challenges with your furbaby #dogsoftiktok!

The Obstacle Challenge 

Have any extra plastic cups lying around from your last holiday gathering? Great, set them up and try out this fun challenge with your pooch! Place your plastic cups on the floor to create an obstacle course, place your dog on one side and sit opposite of them with a treat. Watch as your dog tries to avoid, or maybe even just run straight through, the cups you have set up!

Clap for Fido Challenge 

How does a family share their appreciation for their adorable pooch? By clapping of course! Have your family gather around your dog and give them a round of applause. Their reaction is sure to make you laugh and smile!

Racing Challenge 

Did you love racing games like Mario Kart growing up? Well, now your dogs can join in on the fun! Set up a row of treats and have your dog either race by themself or grab another pup to race against. Set up a timer and see who wins!

“My Boo” Challenge

Were you a big fan of R&B in the 2000s? Then you’ve probably heard of the song “My Boo” by Usher. Well, now it’s a doggie trend on TikTok! Take a walk down memory lane with a picture or video of your pooch when they were a puppy then show them now. The difference is adorable and nostalgic!

Choosing Sides Challenge

Do you and your partner share your pup? Ever wonder who your dog “loves” more? This fun challenge is one way to find out. But hey, if your dog doesn’t run to you try filming it again with a sneaky treat in your hand!

Calling Their Name Challenge

This challenge will have you holding in laughter and make your dog wonder if they’ve suddenly turned invisible! Call out your dog’s name while they’re right next to you. But the catch is, you have to pretend you don’t see them. Your dog’s reaction is sure to spark a smile!