Why is My Dog Eating Rocks?

Why is My Dog Eating Rocks?

You buy your dog so many good treats and great food, but they always end up eating rocks. Why is that, you wonder. We are going to explore a few reasons why dogs eat rocks.

Reasons Dogs Eat Rocks

The most common reason is a medical condition called Pica. The most common sign and symptom is eating non-food items, such as: rocks, dirt, trash, metal, and more non-food items. There is no know cause of Pica, but it is linked to nutritional deficiencies.

Another reason is behavioral issues. Stress or anxiety can manifest your dog eating rocks. Your dog could as well be seeking your attention when eating rocks.

The last reason your pet may be eating rocks is just a general nutritional deficiency or parasite. To get to the root of the problem, visit your vet.

Risks of Eating Rocks

Eating rocks is not safe for many reasons. It can lead to illness or injury that can result is costly surgery or medical care.

1. Intestinal Blockages

2. Perforated Stomach or Colon

3. Chipped or Broken Teeth

4. Upset Stomach

Stopping Your Dog From Eating Rocks

Avoid areas with gravel or a significant amount of rocks

If your dog isn’t around rocks, then they can’t eat them. Try to take your dog on a rock-less walk.

Behavior modification

Offer an alternative such as a treat or tug toy when they drop the rock. Positively reinforce the behavior of not eating rocks.

Ensure nutritional deficiencies are addressed and treat parasitic infections

If your vet determines that your pet has a parasite or nutritional deficiency, work with them on a treatment plan.

Give your dog ample amounts of attention

If eating rocks is determined as a behavior issue, you’ll want to ensure they are getting enough attention. This may lessen their desire to eat rocks.

You’ll want to work with your vet to determine why your dog may be eating rocks. Getting them to stop will take time and patience but will help them live their best life.