Common Bath-Time Mistakes to Avoid with Your Dog

Bathtime is generally straightforward. You rinse, lather, repeat. Right? While that might be the process for human baths, doggie baths can be quite different. There’s no entirely right way to bathe your pet, but there are some pretty common mistakes you should still try to avoid.

Letting Water Get in Eyes and Ears

Water in your eyes and ears can be pretty uncomfortable for you, so it makes sense that it’s painful for Fido. Watch where the soap goes and avoid getting it in their eyes and ears. Aside from discomfort, it can lead to harmful infections that can affect their hearing and be hard to get rid of. Try using a washcloth to clean their head instead of dumping water directly onto their face. 

Using the Wrong Shampoo

Dog skin is very sensitive. They have a pH balance that can get messed up if you wash them frequently with the wrong shampoo. While it might be easier to use what you have on hand, using dog shampoo made for their skin conditions can ensure that you avoid post-bath skin irritation. Oatmeal-based shampoos are great. Follow up with an excellent conditioner for their hair.

Using the Wrong Water Temperature

As you prepare your dog’s bath, pay attention to the temperature. Remember, a dog’s body temperature is higher than our own, so using excessively hot water can overheat them and cause a panic. Likewise, using too-cold water can lower their body temperature. Or, it surprises them, and they run out of the tub. Aim for a pleasant lukewarm temperature.

Being Too Aggressive 

Bathtime can be frustrating. It’s understandable. However, you should never yell at or punish your dog for something they can’t control. They’re reactionary. Be patient with them instead, and reward them for good behavior. This positive reinforcement can ease their nerves about the experience and have a better turnout for both of you.