
Advice for First Time Dog Owners

Being a first-time pup parent is rewarding but can be overwhelming too. Read below to learn how to make this transition easier for everyone involved. Responsibilities Being a pet parent is a full-time responsibility. You must plan on taking care of your furry friend for the entirety of their life which could be 10 to…

Common Bath-Time Mistakes to Avoid with Your Dog

Bathtime is generally straightforward. You rinse, lather, repeat. Right? While that might be the process for human baths, doggie baths can be quite different. There’s no entirely right way to bathe your pet, but there are some pretty common mistakes you should still try to avoid. Letting Water Get in Eyes and Ears Water in…

How Dogs Improve Mental Health

Mental health can be affected by any number of things. Weather, malnutrition, stress, even sleep all eventually factor into your brain health, but did you know that owning a dog can help with that? Here’s how. It’s All in Your Brain Many mental health issues can be traced back to an over or under production…

Does My Dog Need Calcium Supplements?

Does My Dog Need Calcium Supplements?

Dogs get all of their vitamins and minerals through eating food that meets the AAFCO guidelines for their stage of life. However, some dogs have health conditions that lead to calcium deficiency. These dogs benefit from taking calcium supplements. Why Would My Dog Need Calcium Supplements? Certain illnesses or conditions result in the loss of…

Reasons to Not Shave Your Dog

Reasons to Not Shave Your Dog

Shaving your pup may seem like the best idea to keep them cool in the warmer months. After all, you assume that your dog is hot and sweating under their thick fur coat. But some professional groomers and vets say that shaving your dog isn’t actually better for temperature regulation. Keeping Your Dog Cool Your…