Tips for Finding a Dog That Fits Your Lifestyle

Adding a furry family member to your household is a big decision that you should definitely take time to think about. There are numerous variables you should consider when thinking about adopting a dog, and one of those is if Fido will fit your lifestyle.

Evaluate How Much Time You Really Have

Take some time to think about your work schedule, social calendar, and if there will be anyone else to share the responsibility of a dog with. Time is definitely of the essence when it comes to adopting a dog, so there’s no need to rush into anything. For example, if you work a job with long hours and don’t think you’ll have the time to take your pooch out during your lunch break, then getting a puppy probably isn’t the best idea.

Think About Your Energy Levels

You’ll want to reflect on your own energy levels so you can adopt a dog who meets you where you’re at. If you’re someone who likes to exercise multiple times a day then you probably want to make sure you don’t get a dog breed that’s known for being a couch potato. And while all dog breeds need a little bit of exercise, some just need it more than others. Furthermore, if you adopt a canine with a high level of energy but aren’t able to give them a proper outlet, you’ll end up with a very destructive dog on your hands.

How Much Space Do You Have to Share?

Do you live in a skyrise apartment or a house with a large yard? These are things to consider when adopting a dog. You’ll be sharing this space with your pooch, so you want to make sure that they’ll be comfortable with how much room they have. A dog who gets the zoomies a lot will probably thrive more with a yard that they can sprint around in. And on that same note, most toy breeds will find more than enough space in a studio apartment.

Keep In Mind Your Other Family Members

If you have children or roommates, you’ll want to make sure that getting a dog is something that will benefit everyone’s living environment. If you have kids then look into dog breeds that are patient and known to behave well around children. Or, if you have a significant other or roommates, make sure getting a dog is something they’d be alright with and weigh their input into breeds that they think would be most compatible.

Finding a dog that fits your lifestyle is important when searching for your new furry family member. But no matter what breed you choose, your pooch will love getting to have you as an owner regardless.