Tips for Making Your Backyard More Dog-Friendly

Tips for Making Your Backyard More Dog-Friendly

Sometimes, our dogs can be destructive to our yards. But we have a solution!  These dog-friendly additions will make you and your furry friend happy!

Invest in a dog-friendly fence

Installing a dog-friendly friendly fence allows your pooch to run wild while being safe and sound in your yard. Fences are also a stylish addition to your yard, providing privacy and increasing your house’s value! To ensure your fence is dog-friendly, ensure it is tall enough to prevent any escape attempts and ensure it has no large gaps that Fido can wiggle through.

Plant a flea-repellent garden

Did you know that a number of plants actually repel fleas? Beautiful fauna such as marigolds, rosemary, and sage steers fleas away from your yard! The garden allows Fido to run free without worrying about any pests. Adding cedar chips to the garden will also increase its potency. You can also add other dog-friendly plants to this garden, such as friendship plants or common herbs!

Add a water feature

There are many times of water features that your furry friend will love! Installing a sprinkler system or doggy splash pad will add an interesting element to your yard, and your pooch could also use it to cool off!  If you want a more elaborate option, a waterfall or water fountain are also options! Just make sure your water fountain is tall enough that your pooch doesn’t accidentally topple your water feature.

Get a sandbox

If your dog has a particularly bad digging habit, a sandbox allows Fido to get this behavior out of his system! While you can easily buy a sandbox from any big-box store, you can also easily DIY this project! All you need is some playground sand and fast-drying concrete. First, dig a pit on your hard that is about 12 inches deep. Next, line the bottom and sides of the pit with fast-drying concrete. After the concrete is dry, fill the pit with playground sand! Your pup will enjoy its new digging spot!

Landscaping with a pooch can be hard. Hopefully, these tips inspire you to make some dog-friendly changes to your backyard!