Dogs Visit the Georgia Aquarium

Dogs Visit the Georgia Aquarium

If you’ve been feeling stressed or cooped up in any way, we have something that might be able to help. Recently, the Atlanta Humane Society released an extremely precious video of pups exploring the beautiful Georgia Aquarium. Featuring adoptable puppies, the video showed some playful pups enjoying all the views the aquarium has to offer. If you’re still not convinced, here are some of the highlights of the day and other fun things you can check out from the Georgia Aquarium.

A Field Trip for Fido

While the Georgia Aquarium was closed to the public, they allowed in some sweet canines, Odie and Carmel, from the Atlanta Humane Society for a private visit of their Ocean Voyager exhibit. These puppies had a blast seeing some animals for the very first time and making new discoveries around every corner. Odie and Carmel took naps by the sharks, ran alongside some colorful fish, and gazed at some stingrays. The puppies were also once up for adoption but have now found their forever homes! Check out the full video that the Atlanta Humane Society posted of their adventure here.

But Wait, There’s More!

If puppies weren’t enough, the Georgia Aquarium also offers live webcam feeds of their Sothern Sea Otters, Beluga Whales, and many other animals so that you can check in on them at any time from the comfort of your home. The Georgia Aquarium also offers Deep Sea Learning Videos that are free to watch!

You can also check out videos from all the way up in Chicago of Shedd Aquarium penguins exploring the neighboring Field Museum facility freely. Here’s a playlist with all 17 penguin tour videos for your viewing pleasure!

Can’t get enough of Odie and Carmel? Here’s a special behind the scenes video that the Georgia Human Society made from their visit.