Health & Safety

How Telemedicine for Pets Works

After the pandemic, many services transitioned into having in-person and online options, including Vet visits! Some Veterinary Offices have their personal TeleVisit options, or you can google hundreds of independent companies; however, check all proper veterinary accreditations. Some popular choices are,, and Online consultations help relieve the already overworked Veterinarian office’s workload,…

Does My Dog Need Sunscreen?

Like their human counterparts, dogs are just as easily susceptible to burning their skin in the sun and developing other complications with sun exposure. To lower your pet’s risk of sun-related health problems, there are several sun precautions you can take as a pet owner to protect Fido, including sunscreen, sun shirts, or their tent!…

Natural Remedies for Your Dog's Car Sickness

Natural Remedies for Your Dog’s Car Sickness

Dogs can quickly get carsick. But why do they get sick, and how do you stop it? Car sickness can get the best of us, but there are ways to help your furry friend out. Why Do Dog Get Carsick? Motion sickness occurs when motion interacts adversely with the nervous system. Carsickness is a common…

9 Things Every New Pet Parent Should Know

If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you’ve recently become a pet parent – and in that case: Congratulations! Having a new furry friend is one of the greatest joys filled with fun and discovery. To help you with this new adventure, we’ve compiled a list of 9 of the most important things a…

Signs of Liver Failure in Dogs

Signs of Liver Failure in Dogs

Liver disease can be a very scary issue, but knowing the signs may decrease the chance of this disease seriously affecting your dog’s life.  The liver is one of the body’s vital organs, even for dogs, which helps with digestion, blood clotting, detoxifying blood, and serves other important roles. When a liver is not working…

Understanding Pad Foot Injuries In Dogs

Understanding Foot Pad Injuries in Dogs

Dog’s paws are a critical part of their day to day, since they spend most of their waking moments relying on them. Besides being used for walking, running, and standing, your dog’s paws are a type of shock absorber protecting them against surfaces and indicating unnoticeable health concerns. Your dog’s feet may be injured and…

Should I Let My Dog Kiss Me?

Should I Let My Dog Kiss Me?

Sometimes when you get home and greet your furry friend, you’re met with a slobbery kiss. While this may be a sweet gesture, it’s not the most sanitary. In fact, every animal expert will agree that it’s extremely unsanitary for Fido to be licking your face, eyes, or nose. Let’s dive into the details behind…

Is My Dog Depressed?

Is My Dog Depressed?

Maybe you’ve noticed that your once energetic pup now seems withdrawn and maybe even lethargic. Could your dog be experiencing depression? Let’s find out! Are Canines Capable of Getting Depressed? According to animal experts, your canine companion can indeed suffer from depression. However, veterinarians aren’t sure if dogs suffer from depression in the exact same…

The Positives to Dog Ownership in 2020

The Positives to Dog Ownership in 2020

If you own a dog, then you already know there are countless benefits to owning a canine companion. But during the pandemic and times of quarantine, they also provide you with numerous benefits. Let’s dive into exactly what some of those benefits are. Dogs Can Be Calming Your pooch has no clue what’s going on…

The Causes of Motion Sickness in Dogs

The Causes of Motion Sickness in Dogs

Whether it’s a short drive to the park or a road trip for vacation, bringing your pup along can be lots of fun. However, car sickness is an issue that many canines have to deal with – which can make car rides not so fun. If you have a pooch that suffers from motion sickness,…