Is My Dog Lonely?

Is My Dog Lonely?

With summer coming to an end and more people heading back to the office, our dogs are trying to transition back to being home alone more often. A change in schedule can have an impact on their mental health and personality.

No matter the cause of change, your dog is likely feeling the impact of it themselves.

Do Dogs Get Lonely?

Dogs experience a variety of emotions like humans. They have the emotional complexity of human toddlers meaning they are capable of happiness, anger, jealousy, sadness, and loneliness.

Dogs evolved to crave our companionship. We feed them, exercise them, show them the world, so it’s no surprise that they tend to stay close

Being left alone after a long time of always having companionship can lead to a dog experiencing loneliness.

Signs of Loneliness

The behaviors listed below are symptoms of loneliness. Some responses can be an underlying health problem – skipping meals – so consider a vet check-up.


Yes, dogs can suffer from depression. The behaviors that indicate loneliness are related to depressive behaviors like withdrawal.


If your dog paces or shows other signs of stress as you’re preparing to leave, this could be a sign of isolation distress.


You may find your dog wants to be by your side more than usual, even waking up from sleep to follow you to your room.

Sleep Changes

Dogs that feel alone sleep more than usual or sleep in unusual spots.

Not Eating

Lonely dogs might not have an appetite and sometimes skip treats. Not eating can be a sign of a medical condition as well, make sure to discuss with your vet if you notice this symptom.

Overall Behavior Shifts

Although it can be hard to characterize exact changes, it is not hard to notice when they are acting different than normal.

Preventing Loneliness

A few ways to prevent loneliness are by practicing your new routine with your dog, keeping them active, and doggy daycare. All of these practices will help them adjust to you being gone and prevent depression.

Dogs get lonely, and that loneliness can be an undiagnosed health issue occasionally. Make sure to schedule a wellness check and keep an eye on your dog.