Dog Blog

How Dogs Mirror Your Anxiety

How Dogs Mirror Your Anxiety

There are a variety of things you could be stressing over right now. Whether it be over your health, the health of loved ones, or economic stability – there’s a good reason you might be feeling overwhelmed. But can that stress reflect onto Fido? Let’s find out. If You’re Stressed, Chances are Fido is Too…

Tips and Trick to Keep Ticks Off Your Dog

Tips & Trick to Keep Ticks Off Your Dog

If you are a pet parent, it would be rare if you never encountered a tick on your beloved furry friend. Ticks can carry awful diseases such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and so much more. The point is, you don’t want these little pests anywhere near your canine companion. To help your pooch avoid…

Operation Giveback

Operation Giveback Dog Training + Gift Certificate to Local Business = Operation Giveback Help us get America back to work! For a limited time we’re giving away $100 gift certificates to other local businesses. That’s right – you purchase an advanced training package from us and we’ll give you a $100 gift certificate to a…

A Guide to Working at Home With Your Dog

A Guide to Working at Home With Your Dog

Whether you’ve been working from home for a while or are just being introduced to the idea – it’s not all the fun and games that it’s sometimes portrayed as. Many people might think that working from home consists of sleeping in as late as you want and spending all day in your pj’s –…

Austin Dog-Friendly Hotels

Austin Dog-Friendly Hotels

Austin is known as one of the safest and positive cities in the United States (or at least that’s what locals say). But with being an extremely dog-friendly hub, it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that it has a reputation for being a “happy city.” Even The Dogington Post, SmartAsset, Dog Time, and so many…

How To Introduce Dogs or a New Dog Into the House

As a dog trainer who takes in board and train dogs, who live with me and go places with me and with my dogs, I often have occasion to introduce a new dog to my family (which includes my dogs). Once a client completes private classes, we also offer group classes and here too is…

The Original UT Mascot

The Original UT Mascot

If you’re a University of Texas football fan, you’ve probably already heard the story of Bevo, and might also assume he was the team’s first mascot. But before we dive into why that surprisingly isn’t the truth, let’s go over Bevo’s history and how he became to be UT’s famous longhorn. The False Tale of…

DIY Dog-Themed Holiday Ornaments

DIY Dog-Themed Holiday Ornaments

With the holiday season right around the corner, you’ve probably unpacked almost all of your decorations. If you’re a pet parent, though, you may be wondering if you have enough canine-themed decor. To help, here are some fun and relatively easy crafts you can make to Include your pooch on all the holiday fun this…

Tips for Walking Your Dog at Night

Tips for Walking Your Dog at Night

Daylight savings time has ended, aka it’s practically pitch black by 6 pm. With the days becoming shorter due to the fall & winter season it’s going to get harder to walk your pooch before sundown. Walking your dog in the dark can be nerve-wracking in some cases and unsafe in more ways than one….

Toys to Keep Dogs Busy while School is in Session

Toys to Keep Dogs Busy while School is in Session

With school just about in full swing, you or your family won’t be able to give your pooch as much attention as you were able to before. This can cause separation anxiety and destructive boredom in some pups. To help avoid that, here are some popular toys that can keep your dog stimulated and busy…