Causes For Choking and What To Do If It Happens

Causes for Choking in Dogs & What to Do if it Happens

You should always be prepared for any emergency so that you know how to assist your furry friend if they need help. So, read below to learn about the causes of choking and what to do if your companion is choking.

Signs & Causes

Signs of choking include:

  • drooling
  • gagging
  • difficulty swallowing
  • difficulty breathing
  • distress
  • pawing at the face
  • regurgitation

So, if you witness your furry friend showing any of the symptoms above, seek veterinary help quickly.

Additionally, common causes of canine choking can include:

Foreign Object

Our pups love to explore and chew on the world around them. So, a toy, sock, stick, or any other object may suck in your pal’s airway. Whether the thing is stuck in the airway or is compressing the airway, breathing can still become difficult.

Disease or Allergies

Kennel cough is a respiratory disease that can mimic signs of choking. This condition causes dogs to cough like something is stuck in the throat. But, it is easily treated with medicine and antibiotics. Additionally, allergic reactions can cause the throat to swell and can block your pup’s airway. This can be due to food, environment, or trauma, such as an insect or snake bite.

Neck Constriction

Collars and leashes typically cause neck constriction. Your canine can suffer from choking if their collar is too tight or if they become tangled in their leash or rope.

What To Do

1)Check for Obstructions

First, remove any object obstructing the airway or constricting the neck. If you can not easily remove the object, lift the hind legs so that your canine’s head is tilted down. This can help dislodge the item stuck in the throat.

2)Heimlich Maneuver

If the object still obstructs the airway, try a modified Heimlich maneuver. First, hold your pup around the waist with their rear closest to you. Then, place your fist just behind their rips and compress the stomach 3-5 times with quick pulses. Lastly, check the airway to determine if the airway is now clear.


To prevent choking in the first place, there are some steps you can take. For example, please ensure your canine has a properly fitting collar, keep small items away from your pal, and use appropriate toys for your furry friend’s size and breed.

Follow the guide above to treat and prevent choking if you ever find yourself in the situation!