Safety Tips for Dog Owners this Halloween

Halloween is fun for everyone in the family, including the furry members! However, as a pet parent, there are some dangers to be aware of. Read below for some safety tips this Halloween!


Though you may be enjoying candy and other treats this time of year, you shouldn’t share them with your pup. Also, you should keep candy away from your companions. They are curious creatures and are not picky eaters. So, keep your four-legged friend away from chocolate, gum, hard candy, raisins, candy wrappers, and all of your trick-or-treating collections!


Though our furry friends look adorable when we dress them up, their safety is most important. So, when choosing a costume, avoid anything with beads, buttons, or ribbons that can pose choking or intestinal hazards. Additionally, avoid any dangling pieces that can be chewed off and swallowed. A costume should be comfortable for your companion. It should not cause overheating, difficulty breathing, impaired vision, or mobility restrictions.


Be mindful of dangers while decorating for the holiday. Avoid open-flame candles, battery-operated items, glow sticks, and other chew-tempting decors. Chewing on and ingesting batteries will cost you and your pal a trip to the vet! Additionally, glow-in-the-dark items are filled with a liquid chemical that will irritate the mouth and intestines. You may also want to keep tinsel, string lights, or other tempting items out of your pup’s reach.

Outdoor Safety

Bring your pal inside before nighttime. Halloween activity can cause stress to your pal, and pranksters may target your furry friend. So, don’t leave your companion outside alone. Also, try to take your daily walks before the sun sets. But, if you have to take your walks after nightfall, be sure to bring a flashlight and reflective gear.

Follow these safety tips to make Halloween safe and fun for your furry friend!