A Guide to Finding an Apartment that Allows German Shepherds

A Guide to Finding an Apartment that Allows German Shepherds

If you’re a German Shepherd owner, you know just how special they are in your life. But, unfortunately, many landlords ban the breed so finding a dog-friendly apartment that accepts your pooch can be extremely frustrating. In order to find a German Shepherd-friendly apartment, you may have to compromise some of your “must have’s”, but it just depends on the complex and landlord! Here’s a guide to ease your search on finding a pup-friendly apartment to share with your beloved Fido.

Be Knowledgeable About Restrictions & Rules

Depending on the apartment, there may be some restrictions and fees you weren’t expecting to encounter with your German Shepherd. Some apartments don’t allow “aggressive breeds” or dogs over 55 pounds, so be sure to get this information upfront! German Shepherd parents may face higher pet fees (normal fees range from $150-$200/month)  for the breed, but it’s worth the cost to have your canine companion by your side! Check the complex’s regulations to be sure you’re not being taken advantage of just to secure an apartment.

Private Landlords

German Shepherd owners may want to seek out a private landlord instead of a property management company as they tend to be more lenient as the transaction is a tad more personal. Due to specific insurance restrictions/policies, a management company may not be able to accept your canine, but check out insuring your pup yourself to avoid this!

Online Hunting

Online apartment hunting can be a lot less stressful when you can filter out suggestions based on what pets the apartment allows. This can also save you a little bit of money if you can’t afford the help of a realtor!

Doggie Resume

Creating a “dog resume” will help speed up the process of a landlord getting to know your pet. Try including:

  • References from past landlords, trainers, and veterinarians
  • Photo(s)
  • Medical history (i.e. up-to-date vaccinations and spayed/neutered records)
  • Age, size, breed, and weight
  • Training certifications (i.e. AKC Canine Good Citizen)

Hype Up Your Pup

You need to be your furry friend’s biggest hype person during the apartment hunting process. This means you should avoid talking about any bad traits your dog might have, but don’t lie! If your dog is aggressive, this is important information to know in order to protect your neighbors and other animals.


Your local dog shelter will likely have pooch-friendly apartments recommendations and know where you should begin your search at. Your vet may also have some recommendations for apartments!


Don’t be afraid to negotiate with your landlord to get into an apartment you want. This could be from offering to pay an extra deposit on behalf of your pet or even increasing your fee. Whatever you choose to bring up, go into the conversation optimistic and positive! Present happy solutions to whatever problems they bring you and be ready to negotiate.

Pet Insurance

Having dog insurance can be a great tool to influence a landlord into accepting your application. Many landlords are wary of having dogs due to insurance purposes. But, if you present your policy, they may be much more likely to agree to housing your German Shepherd!

Have All The Essentials On Hand

Be ready to show a landlord that you’re a responsible tenant and dog owner. This means having all the doggie essentials already bought and showing that you won’t disrupt others by having your furball with you. Some essentials could include:

  • Food/water bowls
  • Leash
  • Collar with a dog tag
  • Harness
  • Crate/House

While apartment hunting is difficult with a German Sheperd, the effort is worth it once you see your furry friend cuddled up in your new place. Remember to be patient with the process and your pooch and your hard work will pay off.