At Sit Means Sit Cincinnati Dog Training We Are…

“Revolutionizing the Quality of Life with Happy, Obedient, and Confident Dogs!”

We want you to have the best, most rewarding relationship with your dog by learning how to communicate clearly, concisely, and in a way that makes sense to her.  When you communicate regularly with your dog then you are exhibiting leadership, which helps you EARN your dog’s trust, which quickly translates into respect, which is really what you want, right?  Well, you can’t demand respect.  It must be earned.  So, if you want your dog to Come when you call, Sit when you tell her to, or jump up into your car because it’s time to go then you came to the right place!

Everyone can talk to their dog.  Everyone can take the skills we teach (1) how to get and keep your dog’s attention, (2) how to communicate non-verbally, (3) how to effectively use a leash when necessary, and (4) the vocabulary we use to teach their dog how to act and behave in any situation, regardless of distraction.  It’s easy, once you know how!  And it’s fun!

Sit Means Sit Cincinnati was opened in September of 2015, and has been training dogs full time, and exclusively since then!  Heather Sexton is the owner, but she started as a clients almost 14 years ago! It changed her life!  So much so that she left the legal profession and devoted her life to helping others develop the same kind of relationship with their dogs!

Sit Means Sit uses the most successful training system in the country.  There are over 150 independently owned and operated locations across the United States and Canada!  Frustration, annoyance, disbelief…those can all be a thing of the past, because Sit Means Sit will teach you how to bridge the language barrier between you and your dog, so you can have a true and meaningful relationship!

Give us a call, shoot us an email, or fill out an online inquiry, and let’s get started on helping you achieve your goals!