Health & Safety

Protecting Your Dog from Snow & Ice

Protecting Your Dog from Snow & Ice

As the winter season unfolds and blankets the world in a glistening layer of snow, it’s a magical time for humans and their furry companions! While the snow may bring joy to our hearts, it also brings along some challenges, especially when it comes to keeping our canine friends safe and comfortable. In this post,…

The Importance of Dog Training

Welcoming a dog into your life is a rewarding and joyous experience, but it comes with responsibilities. One of the key pillars of responsible pet ownership is training. Beyond teaching basic commands, training plays a crucial role in fostering a strong bond between you and your furry companion. In this blog post, we’ll explore the…

Firework Safety with Fido

With the 4th of July just around the corner, most pet parents are uneasy about the firework traditions. Fireworks are scary for pets since they are not aware of what is going on and they tend to hate the loud bangs. According to the AKC, the highest number of dogs run away on Independence Day…

cartoon dogs with weed symbols around them

Is CBD Safe for Dogs?

We see our dogs like our children and desire to do everything in our power to make sure that they’re as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, traditional medicines can fail us, so we may seek alternative methods. CBD has taken the alternative medicinal community by storm in recent years, but is it safe for dogs? What…

dog brain tumor cat scans

Does My Dog Have a Brain Tumor?

While we would all love our pets to be invincible, the likelihood of that being true is little to none. They age just like us, and with age comes the sad development of various health issues. Brain tumors in dogs are not uncommon and usually develop in short-nosed or elderly pets.  What is a Brain…

How to Take Care of Your Pet When You Injure Your Leg

Taking Care of Your Dog with an Injured Leg

Having a pet can be a demanding job even when you are happy and healthy. Depending on the personality of your dog, they could need to be walked, let out, and played with multiple times a day. When you injure yourself, though, it can turn what seems like an easy lifestyle into a difficult one….

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt?

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt?

If you’ve ever owned a dog you know they tend to eat things they aren’t supposed to, generally things that we wouldn’t even consider edible. Sometimes that includes dirt. So why is your dog eating dirt? Does it mean anything or is he just bored and looking for attention? Most of the time it’s the…

Myths About Dogs & Winter

Myths About Dogs & Winter

When winter weather is amongst us, we have to remember to take extra care of our canine companions. The cold, dry air can be harmful to our furry friends, even though some of their luscious coats might make it seem otherwise. To help keep your pup safe and healthy during the winter, it’s important to…

Does My Dog Need a Coat or Sweater?

Does My Dog Need a Coat or Sweater?

Our dogs look adorable in coats and sweaters, but do they really need it? With winter arriving, we dig our own sweaters and outwear out of the closet. Continue reading to find out if your pet should be bundled up. One thing to keep in mind is that not all dogs are comfortable wearing apparel….

Can My Dog Drink from a Stream?

Can My Dog Drink from a Stream?

Exploring the great outdoors with your canine companion can be a blast. You both get to experience the beauty of nature while also getting in the exercise that you both need to stay active and healthy. But while out and about, your pooch might get a bit thirsty and start heading towards a stream to…