
Reviewing the Best Dog Toys for Chasing and Retrieving

Reviewing the Best Dog Toys for Chasing and Retrieving

Are you ready to take playtime with your furry friend to the next level? If your pup enjoys chasing and retrieving, you’re in luck! We’ve scoured the market to bring you top-notch dog toys for tail-wagging memories. Whether Fido is a seasoned fetch champion or just discovering the joy of chasing, there’s something for every…

What is Resource Guarding in Dogs?

What is Resource Guarding in Dogs?

Today, let’s dive into a topic that sounds mysterious but is crucial for every dog owner to know: resource guarding. You’ve probably seen it in action with your furry friend burying or hiding a treat, toy, or bone away from attention. But fear not! With some insight and proactive measures, we can navigate this behavior…

Grooming a Double Coated Dog: A Full Guide

Grooming a Double Coated Dog: A Full Guide

Grooming is essential for responsible dog ownership and becomes even more crucial for double-coated breeds! Double-coated dogs have two layers of fur – a dense, insulating undercoat and a longer, protective topcoat. Breeds like Siberian Huskies, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds fall into this furry friend category. Proper grooming ensures your dog looks their best…

Is It Okay to Leave the TV on for Your Dog?

Like most pet-related questions, the answer will depend on your furry friend. Every dog is different and responds to stimuli individually. Some dogs enjoy having quiet for a few hours; others like background noise and imitation of humans being around. A good portion of dogs could be distressed by TV noise, alerting them to strangers…

Tips on Embracing a Pet Nook

We all have bedrooms to retreat and revitalize, pets need a room too! Pet nooks are the newest trend, making small spaces, hidden or visible, for your pet items or just to lounge. We are going to look out a few different ways you can create a pet nook, and how to properly establish a…

Fun Indoor Activities You Can Do with Your Dog

With the weather getting colder, it can be challenging to take your dog out for a walk, but they still need exercise. What are you left with? A dilemma. Luckily, there are plenty of fun activities to do indoors with your dog.  Yummy Hide and Seek A large part of Fido’s brain is dedicated to…

How to Register Your Dog as an Emotional Support Animal

If you have a mental health disorder, having a dog can bring you comfort, the likes of which can be hard to find anywhere else. Dogs offer support through challenging situations and provide you with routine during days that seem too hard to get through. Unfortunately, there are certain situations in life where your best…

Why is My Dog Afraid of Other Dogs?

Why is My Dog Afraid of Other Dogs?

If you’re here, then you’ve probably been asking yourself this question for a while now. Don’t worry, it’s a valid question. We all want our buddies to have the best time at parks or in social settings, but that can be difficult to do when you find them alone in a corner every time you…

Dog Breeds that Love the Snow

Dog Breeds that Love the Snow

Are you a beach bum of a blizzard fiend? If you favor the snow, take a look at breeds that have your same preferences. Some were even bred for those cold climates, and probably enjoy a good game of snowball fetch (even if they can’t return it). Siberian Husky Originating in Northeast Asia, the Siberian…

Creating a Room for Your Dog

Creating a Room for Your Dog

While our dogs generally seem to take ownership of the entire home as their own territory, it can be beneficial both for their health and your own sanity for them to have some space of their own in your home. We know space can be hard to come by in smaller apartments and condos, but…